All About GOD FAQ Page 2
Frequently Asked Questions Page 2Gospel Of Mary
- Is greed good or bad? Isn’t just a sign of ambition? - Isn't greed just a sign of ambition? Find out how to keep greed from ruling your life and causing destruction.
- Origin Halloween – Is it just an ancient celebration? - How do ancient celebrations compare to today’s trick-or-treating and costume parties? Find the history and details here.
- What are the origin symbols of Halloween? - Where do Jack-O-Lanterns, gourds, straw, costumes, and so on get their origins? Find out the history behind these symbols here.
- How important is ministry to the homeless? - Ever wonder what story lies behind someone who has no home to live in? Do people really care? Read further.
- What can I learn from homeless stories? - Can lives of the homeless enhance the lives of others? Are they able to function within society? Read more.
- What should homeless programs and homeless charities offer? - What do the shelter programs need to meet the necessities of the poor? Read about what programs are doing now.
- Why are people homeless? - Do people purposefully live without shelter for good reasons? Is there a divine given purpose in working with the poor? Read.
- Can Satan do miracles? What are Satan’s powers? - What powers does Satan have? Is he all-knowing or present everywhere? Find out what the Bible says.
- God vs Satan - How can we defend ourselves against Satan? - You feel defeated by Satan’s temptations and attacks. How can you protect yourself, even fight back?
- What are Fallen Angels? - Discover more about these angels who fell from heaven. Why did they fall and what is their purpose on earth today?
- What are the names of Satan? - Study the various identities of the Devil. Learn more about him by studying his names and aliases.
- Who is Satan? What is His strategy? - If you’re afraid of the power of the devil, find out his limitations and overcome his malicious ploys.
- Why did God create Satan? - How could a good Creator make something so wicked as the devil? Find out who is responsible for evil in the world.
- Why did the Angels fall? - You believe that demons exist and seek to harm us, but how powerful are they? Are they uncontrollable by God and man?
- Holy, Holy, Holy and the Trinity - What is the relationship between “God in three Persons” and the being of God? - What is the relationship between God in three Persons and the being of God? Find answers.
- What are the Holy, Holy, Holy lyrics? - What are the lyrics to this famous hymn? Find out the biblical support and why this hymn is so powerful.
- Count the Cost -- Become a Christian - Christians understand the all-or-nothing choice that is forced upon us by the magnitude of Jesus’ claims. Do you understand?
- How do we know that God is Immutable? What does the Bible say? - What does the Bible say about God's immutability? Read and study the verses that discuss this attribute of God.
- The Immutability of God – What is it? - Why is it important to understand the unchanging God? What does the Bible say? Why is this attribute important?
- What do theologians say about our Immutable God? - What do theologians say about our Immutable God? Read various quotes from theologians through history.
- What are some "God is Infinite" Bible Verses? - What verses refer to the infinity of God? Study them here and learn more about His attribute.
- What does it mean that God is infinite? - What does it mean that God is infinite? Why is this concept important to understand?
- What is Heaven Like? - Learn some of what the Bible says about the new Heaven. Understand what it will be like and how we will live.
- Joseph and Baby Jesus - What was Joseph's role? - What do we know about Jesus’ father? What does the Bible say? Rediscover this important figure in history.
- What do we know about Joseph the Father of Jesus? - What do we know about the father of Jesus? What was his life like? What happened to him?
- Who were Joseph and His Brothers? - Discover this great biblical story and reacquaint yourself with the people involved in Joseph’s life. From them came the entire nation of Israel.
- Why was Joseph given a coat of many colors? - What was the significance of this coat given to Joseph by his father? How did God use it to set the history of Israel?
- Does God’s omnipotence have any limitations? - What are some things God cannot do? Is He limited? How does this work with His omnipotence?
- Omnipotent Definition – What have theologians said about this attribute? - Study some quotes from theologians regarding this attribute of God. What have they said?
- What verses say that God is omnipotent? - What does God's Word say the omnipotence of God? How is this attribute described?
- Are there verses in the Bible that support God is omnipresent? - How does God's omnipresence impact me? Does the Bible support this concept? What verses mention it?
- How is God omnipresent throughout the Bible? - How is God omnipresent throughout the Bible? What are some examples of of his ever-present nature?
- Is God Omnipresent? How can God be present both infinitely and personally? - Are you awed by the immensity and splendid order of God's handiwork? Does it speak to his omnipresence? Does He also care intimately about you?
- Omnipresence Definition – What does the Omnipresence of God mean? - Read quotes from early church leaders, philosophers, and theologians. What do they say omnipresence means?
- How do theologians define omniscient? - How do theologians explain the attribute of God's omniscience? Find quotes here.
- If I believe in an Omniscient God, how should it impact my life? - How should an understanding of God's omniscience impact my life? Find out here.
- What Bible verses say God is omniscient? - What does the Bible say about God's omniscience? Study the verses here.
- A Minister's Prayer - Read a poem written for those in ministry. A prayer of need from those in ministry to a God who answers prayer.
- Is God Good? – The Problem of Evil Magnified - Check out this video regarding the problem of evil? How can we see that God is just and loving?
- Aseity of God – What does the Bible say? - What does this term mean? What does the Bible say? Find out how the Bible describes God and His attributes.
- Self-Existence of God – What Have Theologians Said? - What have theologians said over the years about the self-existence of God? Read more here.
- What are the seven deadly sins? - Read a description for each of these sins and what the Bible says about each. What are the seven detestable sins according to Proverbs?
- How should God's Sovereignty impact how much I trust Him? - Has God made Himself difficult to find or know? All we need to know about God, He has graciously made available to us in the Bible. To know God is to trust Him.
- Sovereignty of God Definition - What is it? - What have theologians said throughout the years about God's sovereignty? Read these quotes.
- What are some sovereignty of God verses? - What does the Bible say about God's sovereignty? How does His sovereignty impact me? Learn from God's Word here.
- God of wisdom - What verses speak of God's wisdom? - What verses speak of God's wisdom? Is He truly wise? How do we know? Learn more about this attribute of God here.
- Is the wisdom of God available to us? - How is the fear of the Lord connected with wisdom? Find out what Proverbs 1:7 and James 1:5 mean when they speak of wisdom.
- Wisdom of God Quotes – What do theologians say? - What have theologians said through the years about God's wisdom? What makes this attribute an important part of who God is?
- Can you give me a list of work ethics? - Just what should I be doing as an ethical employee? What about my employer?
- How does time management relate to ethics in the workplace? - Everyone does personal “stuff” at work. Is it really such a big deal? It’s not really stealing, is it?
- What are Christian work ethics? - Does the bible provide guidance for work ethics? What does it say about those who do not work?
- What are some practical workplace behavior ethics? - People don’t seem as honest as they used to be. What effect does this have in the workplace?
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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