Al Khazneh - What is the significance of the breath-taking treasury in Petra? What is the history? Discover for yourself here.
- Ancient Jericho
- Ancient Jerusalem
- Babylon and the Ishtar Gate
- Caesarea
- Haran
- Hittite
- Joppa
- Shechem
- Tel Dan
- Tel Hazor*
- Tel Megiddo
- The city of Ur
- Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser
- Cuneiform Tablets
- Epic of Gilgamesh
- Hammurabi Code of Law
- House of Yahweh Ostracon*
- Merneptah Stele
- Moabite Stone
- Shishak Relief
- Sumerian King List
- The House of David Inscription
- Is the city of Petra in the Bible?
- Is the City of Petra truly a hidden rock city?
- Where is the City of Petra?*
- Who created the city of Petra?
- Friday Crucifixion - Is There Proof?*
- Prophecies Fulfilled by the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ - What are they?
- Who is responsible in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?
- Why did Jesus Die a Brutal Death?
- Books of the Bible included in the Dead Sea Scrolls – How many of the Bible's books are represented?
- Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit - Where could I go to see the "Great Isaiah Scroll" on exhibit?
- How Did the Great Isaiah Scroll Return to Israel?*
- Qumran
- What Happened to the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran Cave 1?
- Where can I find more information on the Dead Sea Scrolls?
- Where can I find the Dead Sea Scrolls in English?
- Who Found the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Qumran Caves?
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- How many different cultures believe in dragons?
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Elah - Study the evidence indicating a powerful and organized government during the reign of David and Solomon. What are the facts?
- Ancient Capernaum
- Bethlehem
- Caesarea Philippi
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- Church of the Holy Sepulchre
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- Galilee Boat
- Garden of Gethsemane
- House of Peter at Capernaum
- Kidron Valley
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- Pontius Pilate
- Pool of Bethesda
- Pool of Siloam
- Sea of Galilee
- Star of Bethlehem
- Synagogue at Capernaum
- Tabgha
- Temple Mount – Jerusalem in Jesus’ Time
- The Church of the Nativity
- Tiberias*
Exodus Route Video - Follow Ray Vander Laan as he shares the long difficult route from Egypt to the Promise Land. What were the struggles?
Herod the Great - How was it that God used a Roman-appointed Idumean to build a Jewish Temple complex to which Messiah did indeed come, and which Rome itself ultimately destroyed?
- How do scientists explain the evolution of the brain?
- How do scientists explain the evolution of the human eye?*
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Moses and the Exodus Video - Ray Vander Laan takes us on a journey through Sinai and Israel to discover how Jesus called people to live in the Promised Land.
Petra the Ancient City - Why do the fascinating remains of remote cities always seem to entice our imagination? Learn about the discovery and inhabitants.
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- Is there a second image on the Shroud of Turin?*
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* New Content
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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