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Bible Reading and Prayer - Do you desire to get the most out of your daily Bible reading? Consider this prayer of devotion.
Brothers in Christ - How important are Christian brothers to our lives? What support is missing when we don’t have those relationships? Read this testimony.
Cast Your Burdens - What does it mean to cast? Consider this illustration and learn how to cast your burdens in the right place.
Child Miracle - Read the account of a 2-year-old boy who almost drown. Where does his mother hand out the credit for this miracle?
Child of Divorce - How did I my parents' divorce personally affected me? How my life changed forever as a result.
Christian Christmas Poems - Need a poem to read in church, at a party, or include in a Christmas card? Find poems here.
Christian Cowboy Poems - Cowboys have a lot of wisdom to share. Check out this poem about life and how we can learn from everyday events.
Christian Living - Do you desire to be a contagious Christian? Do you want to live everyday for Christ? Consider this prayer.
Christian Poems - What does God mean in your life? Poetry is a great way to express our thoughts to God. Consider these poems.
Comforting Others - Do you find it hard to know what to say? Consider this short story that illustrates the importance of being available.
Daily Life in Uganda - What is daily life like in one village in Uganda? Read these thoughts from a westerner living there.
Dealing with Anger - Do you struggle with feelings of rejection and anger? Read one man's story of how he learned to cope.
Death from AIDS - Are you or someone you know dying from AIDS? Consider this account of Bert’s last days, as told by his sister.
Desperate for Help - Read a first-hand story of how a cry for help was answered in an amazing way! Did he find relief? Find out here.
Difficult Life - Is your life hard? Are you asking God why? Consider this woman's life journey and learn from the hope she found.
Dive Chapel Devotions - Read entertaining devotions on Judges chapters 1 to 21. What application is there for you?
Dysfunctional Family - Read a first-hand account from an adult who grew up in a hard family situation. What was the result? How did he survive?
Family Memories - Read one woman’s memories as she records short stories that have a deeper meanings for our lives. Are there spiritual reminders in everyday objects?
Family of God - Do you have a close-knit relationship with other believers? The body is not perfect, but it is nice to not be alone. Reflect on this prayer.
Father Son Relationships - What impact does a father have on his son? Consider this story of neglect, hurt, and eventually hope.
Finding Peace - How do you get through those difficult trials and storms in your life? Find out how one woman navigates the storms.
Forgiving Abuse - How is it possible to forgive such pain? Read one woman's story of childhood abuse and how she finally found freedom from pain and guilt.
God is Watching - Do you think God is looking over you? Consider this illustration on an early morning encounter. Is God’s eye on you?
God's Mercy - Do you experience God’s fresh mercy each morning? Consider this illustration straight from the blackberry bush.
God's Peace - Do you see God’s peace in times of fear and turmoil? Consider this short story of protection.
Healing Stories - Read the story of Shari who was suddenly healed of liver failure. Follow her family through this near-tragedy.
Here in the Dark - What consumes your thoughts while in the dark of night... Long past when most people are fast asleep?
Hollywood and Vine - Read the life story of Dean Clark. How did his life revolve around this intersection in Hollywood? Where did life take him?
Inspirational Prayer Poems - Do you seek a poem that expresses your heart to God? Read through these poems, written as prayers to God.
Intimacy with God - Do you seek a strong dedicated relationship with your Heavenly Father? Consider this prayer to Him.
Jordan River Stones - What do these stones represent in your life? Read one authors perspective of God’s teaching in Joshua 4.
Knowing God - Do you really know God? Do you have the courage to ask God for what is best? Consider this prayer.
Letting Go Of Anger - Does your anger keep eating at our soul? Is it turning to bitterness and resentment? Read this woman’s remedy for forgiveness, peace, and hope.
Life Story - What does your life say? Read this man’s story of living in a glass house, trying to make it on his own, and finally surrendering to God.
Listening to God’s Voice - This missionary in Uganda has learned a new perspective on listening to God. Will you be challenged too?
Living - Do you want to share the story of your life? What is your purpose and passion? Are you a survivor?
Loss of Innocence - Has your innocence been stolen? Did you suffer from a childhood filled with loss? Consider this woman’s story.
Materialism - Read of one woman’s fight with greed and how she gained a new perspective on true wealth. How do you respond to riches?
Meaning In Tragedy - Is there ultimately a purpose when we face hard times in our lives? Read this man’s story of hardship and hope.
Miscarriage Story - Are you struggling from a recent miscarriage? Is the pain more than you can cope with? Read this woman's story of healing.
Nature Poems - Does a poet look at nature in a deeper way than the average person? Consider these thoughts by poets about our world.
New Age Beliefs - Read one woman’s account of this movement. Find out what she learned and how it impacted her life. Did she find fulfillment?
Perspective on Poverty - What is your view of poverty? Read this perspective from Indonesia and learn from a man who personally experiences poverty on a daily basis.
Poems About Aging - Aging can be difficult, but with the right perspective one can find peace and contentment. Consider this poem.
Poems About Jesus - Read poems written about Jesus and one young woman's relationship with Him.
Poems About Jesus Video* - Watch this moving piece that illustrates how all of history culminates in the birth of Jesus. What is the meaning?
Prayer for Hard Times - Are you experiencing a time of suffering or hardship? Consider this prayer of surrender. Give your struggles to your Savior.
Prayer for Leaders - Are you in a position of leadership? Consider these prayers to help you keep your focus on Christ, instead of the overwhelming tasks before you.
Prayer of Faith - Do you want to pray with faith, understanding God’s amazing power? Reflect on this prayer and devotion.
Prayer of Humility - Do you want to be free of selfishness? Study and prayer and find help for your hurting soul.
Prayer of Praise - Do you desire to seek God’s face in praise and worship? Consider this powerful prayer of worship to God.
Prayer on Fear - Do you struggle with fear? Consider this prayer, stating your trust in God, who is in control of all things.
Prayers of Confession - Do you want to cleanse your heart to God? Consider this prayer and then express your thoughts to God.
Reflect Jesus - Do you seek to reflect your Savior? Consider this illustration from everyday life. Are you reflecting Christ?
Rules to Live By - What guidelines can we use to govern our lives? Read this woman’s list and see how it can also impact your life.
Salvation Poem - Sometimes I find that I forgot just how I left that place...I did not do it by myself, it took Amazing Grace.
Saved from Hell - Can I be saved from living life in hell? Read the journey of one man who gave up a life of drugs and found healing.
Seeking God - How do I find God? Read one woman’s journey of trying to find God, hitting a few roadblocks, and the learning the truth.
Serving God - Is God directing your service to Him? Consider this prayer from a heart of one who wanted to anticipate greatness for God.
Steps to Recovery - What are the steps? Learn how one man worked through the steps and found healing and peace.
Sympathy Poems - Are you experiencing grief beyond words? Consider these expressive poems that express comfort and peace.
Comfort Zone - Do you like to stay in your own area of comfort and not deviate from it? Consider this story story.
The Guide - A poem by Karl Krahn about the Guide that is available to lead us through life. Who is your guide?
The Journey Video - Does God Exist? Is the Bible True? Who is Jesus? Randall Niles shares his spiritual journey from atheist to believer. This is a must-see short video clip. Stream it now!
Total Surrender to God - How is this accomplished? Read one person's testimony of how surrender greatly impacted her life.
Trusting God - Do you struggle with surrendering to God’s plan? Consider this prayer of surrender and share your heart with God.
Trusting God Video - Louisa Stead wrote the words to, Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus in the midst of personal tragedy. What is the meaning?
Truth Poem - What is truth? Who is Truth? Is there on basic truth? Find out through a poem written by Jeff Hildebrandt.
Unequally Yoked - Should I keep praying for my spouse? Read this woman’s journey of prayer for her husband. What was the result?
Wanting Another Baby - Do you want another child, but don't know if you're ready? Does your spouse agree with your decision. Read this woman's story.
Wedding Feast - Preparing for two weddings just six weeks apart has put my mind on God’s big wedding feast to come. Do you anticipate it?
Wedding Poems - Do you wish to express your love through poetry? Consider this poems written for the bride and groom.
Where are You God? - Do you wonder where He is? Consider this man’s journey through life. Where was God in the trials?
Who Is The Holy Spirit - Why is it important to understand the concept of God in us? Understand more here and study the biblical support.
Worship Prayers - Do you wish to express your worship to God? Consider these prayers to get you started. Express your heart to Him.
Yes We Can - What if all the promises of change that politicians make were fulfilled? What then? Learn from Alexander the Great.

    * New Content

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus

Yes, I am already a follower of Jesus

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Why Should God Let You In Heaven

How to Know God
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