Life Challenges
Adopting A Child - Are you frustrated with the adoption process? Considering giving up? Read what happened to one couple who waited through the struggles.- How does international child adoption differ from domestic adoption?
- What are some discussion points when considering adoption?
- What should we consider when adopting an infant?*
- Why consider adopting an older child?
- How can I aid a loved one in alcohol addiction recovery?
- What are some steps to helping children of alcoholic parents?
- What are the effects on children of alcoholics?*
- What can I do to help my alcoholic parents?
- Alcohol Abuse – How Serious is It?
- Alcohol and drug addiction – Is there a link?
- Do you have guidance on how to help an alcoholic?*
- What are the chances of alcohol addiction recoveries?
- What can be done to combat teen alcohol addiction?
- What is considered an addiction to alcohol?
- Alzheimer’s Care - How can I survive being a caregiver to an Alzheimer’s patient?
- Caregiving for Alzheimer’s patients – Should I consider the patient’s eternal destiny?
- What are the Alzheimers disease stages?*
- What are the common Alzheimers symptoms?
- Anger management parenting - What are some practical ways I can balance love and discipline?
- I'm an angry dad. How can I control my temper?*
- I'm becoming an angry mother and I often find myself yelling at my kids. Can I change?
- Should an angry parent discipline his or her children?
- Anger management with children -- What are some helpful tips for keeping my cool while disciplining?
- Can controlling anger bring forgiveness?
- Can religion help in dealing with anger?
- Will anger control work for road rage?*
- Anorexia helps - Where can I find healing for anorexia?
- Bulimia and anorexia - What are the effects?*
- Bulimia help - How can I change my perception of myself?
- What are the symptoms of eating disorders?
- How to stop bed wetting - What are the latest techniques?
- Is wetting the bed a sign of a more serious medical or emotional problem?
- My child is a consistent bed wetter. What can I do?
- Toddlers bed wetting - At what age should it stop?*
- Are there any famous step children?
- How can I be a good step mom without getting stepped on? *
- What can I do as an unaccepted step parent?
- What if our blended family problems are the in-laws?"
- As a parent, how do I cope with borderline personality disorder in teens?
- What are the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder?*
- What is borderline personality disorder?
- Women and borderline personality disorder -- Is Borderline Personality Disorder more prevalent in Women?
- Can I have a fulfilling life while living with cancer?
- How can I cope during cancer treatments?*
- What can I learn from cancer survivors?
- What is a roadblock to curing cancer completely in our lives?
- Caregiver Stress- Who's caring for the caregiver?
- How can I cope with aging parents?
- How do we survive caring for aging parents?
- What can you tell me about elder abuse?*
- Can child abuse survivors find healing and hope?*
- Help for an adult recovering from child sexual abuse - Can I find it?
- Is child abuse prevention possible?
- What is the impact of sexual abuse in children?
- Child abuse vs. discipline - What's the difference?
- Discipline for strong-willed child - How should disciplinary techniques for my strong-willed child differ from those I use with my compliant child?*
- What are some techniques to effectively discipline children?
- What does the Bible say about child discipline?
- Christian family counseling programs - How can they help?
- I have family problems - Are there steps for recovery?
- What should I look for in a family counselor?*
- Why choose Christian family counselors?
- Christian marriage counseling books - Do they help?*
- Christian marriage counseling resources - Which are best?
- What can I expect during marriage counseling?
- Why is Christian premarital counseling so important?
- Adrenal Fatigue - What is it?
- How can I stop constant fatigue?
- What are the causes of fatigue?
- What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis?*
- Chronic pain and depression - Are they linked?*
- Chronic pain management - How does it work?
- Have you had success in relieving migraine pain?
- Is managing chronic pain without using drugs possible?
- Chronic pain support groups - How can they help?*
- Chronic pain treatment - Is relief possible?
- How can the spouses of chronic pain patients cope?
- What are the causes of chronic pain?
- Boundaries and codependency - Can I say no?
- Codependency test - What questions can I ask myself to see if I'm codependent?
- Enabling and codependency - Am I in a codependent relationship?
- I'm overwhelmed. Can you give me tips on how to say no when I'm asked to do something?*
- What is codependency?
- Am I A Controlling Person?
- Enablers addictions codependency - How are they related?
- Recovering from codependency - How do I start?*
- What does the Bible say about codependency support?
- Coping with stress and anxiety - How can I let go?
- How do I cope with test anxiety?
- What are some steps for reducing anxiety?*
- What are the tools for coping with anxiety?
- What is the cause of anxiety?
- How are depression and anxiety related?
- What are the warning signs of depression?*
- What causes depression?
- What is post partum depression? How can I avoid it?
- Coping with divorce and depression - What is the relationship?
- What are the effects of divorce on children?
- Where do children coping with divorce find help?
- Why is dealing with divorce so difficult?*
- As a Christian who is dealing with job loss, how can I stay focused on God?
- How are families coping with job loss?
- How to find a job - What tips can you give me?
- Impact of job loss - How can I lighten the blow?
- Job loss depression - Why me? How do I recover?*
- What are the effects of job loss on my family?
- How to cure loneliness - Is it possible?
- I'm a lonely married woman - Who can fill the void?*
- Loneliness and Jesus - What is the connection? Can He fill the void?
- What are the causes of loneliness?
- After miscarriage - How do I overcome the fear?
- I'm dealing with miscarriage - How do I start to heal?*
- Possible miscarriage - Could it happen to me?
- What are the myths regarding early miscarriages?
- How do I avoid long term separation and divorce?
- Marital separation - How do I reconcile with my spouse?*
- Surviving separation - What can I do to help my marriage pull through?
- What does the Bible say about marriage separation?
- How can anxiety and God wage battle within us?
- Is it necessary to seek professional help for anxiety?*
- Children dealing with death - What do we tell them?
- Dealing with a mother's death - Will I see her again?
- Grief and the holidays - How do I make it through?*
- What are the stages of grief?
- Living in depression - Why do I feel so worthless?
- Symptoms of depression - What are they?
- What are the causes of depression?*
- What is depression?
Discouragement Video - How can gratitude change our lives? How do we cultivate the response of gratitude?
- Christians and divorce - What does the Bible say?
- How divorce affects children - What can I do to ease the pain?
- Preventing divorce - What Are the Ways?
- Surviving divorce - What's next?*
- Is there a drug addiction prayer?
- What are some causes of drug addiction?*
- What are some options for drug addiction treatment?
- Where can I find drug addiction help?
- Grief and the empty nester – Is grief a normal feeling when the kids leave home?
- How can I avoid empty nest depression?*
- Single mother empty nest - How do I make the adjustment?
- What is empty nest syndrome?
- I’m having Mother in Law problems. What can I do?
- My in-laws are overbearing. Help!*
- What are some tips for good family communication?
- Where can I find family relationship help?
Fear of Failure - How can I find victory despite the anxiety that I might fail? How do I find the motivation to persist under trial?
Food Addiction Video - Michelle Aguilar discusses her journey on the Biggest Loser and how she found victory.
- Christians Recovering from Adultery - What are Some Verses to Help me Heal?
- How do I heal a broken heart from adultery?
- Married and cheating - Can I ever forgive myself?*
- What does the Bible say about forgiving adultery?
- Can you provide me with gastric bypass information from someone who has experienced the procedure?
- What are some of the complications of gastric bypass surgery?
- What are the pros and cons of gastric bypass surgery?
- What should I look for when selecting a gastric bypass surgeon?*
- Dealing with grief - What are the ways?
- Grief and loss - Is there hope?*
- How to deal with grief - Does the Bible give me any pointers?
- What is the process of grief?
- Guilt abuse - How can I work through the guilt I feel from the abuse I received?
- How can I get rid of shame and guilt?*
- I feel guilty all the time. Why can’t I get over the guilty feelings?
- What does the Bible say about having a guilty conscience?
- Can you give me tips for coping with male hair loss?
- How can I cope with female hair loss?
- Should I be concerned if I experience sudden hair loss?
- What causes male pattern baldness?*
- Hepatitis C Transmission – What are the modes of transmission for the Hepatitis C virus?
- What are the options for Hepatitis C treatment?
- What are the symptoms of Hepatitis C?*
- What is Hepatitis?
- Depression and suicide - Is there a connection?*
- Suicide Prevention - Who Will Help?
- Suicide stories - What can I learn?
- Ways to commit suicide - Why am I having these thoughts?
- How Can You Kill Yourself Without Pain?*
- How to Kill Yourself Quickly?
- What are the ways to kill myself?
- What is the Best Way to Kill Yourself?
- How can I best support my husband in his recovery from porn addiction?
- My husband is addicted to pornography. What do I do?
- My spouse is addicted to porn. What are some resources where I can find help?
- What are some prayers for a husband addicted to porn?*
- Christian hypnosis - Should Christians submit to hypnosis?
- How does hypnosis work?*
- What are the dangers and benefits of hypnosis?
- What is Hypnosis?
- Dealing with rejection - How to get past the hurt?
- How do I overcome depression in college?
- Why do I hate myself?*
- Why do I keep failing at suicide attempts?
- Is breaking porn addiction possible?
- Is there help for porn addiction?
- What are the stages of porn addiction?*
- Why an addiction to porn?
- How do I begin relationship addiction recovery?
- I feel the need to always be in a relationship. Is this a relationship addiction?*
- Is there hope for love addiction recovery?
- What are the symptoms of an obsessive love addiction?
- Does ADHD in children indicate bad parenting?
- How do I know what to do if I think my child has ADHD?*
- What should I look for in Attention Deficit Disorder symptoms?
- Where can I get respite ADHD help?
- Cause of diabetes - What are the major causes?
- Is controlling diabetes possible?*
- What are the different types of diabetes?
- What are the signs of diabetes?
- What are manic depression symptoms?
- What is meant by manic behavior?*
- What is the cause of manic depression?
- What treatments are available for bipolar manic depression?
- Is overcoming adultery possible?
- Is preventing infidelity possible?
- Recovering from infidelity - Can I ever forgive?*
- Surviving Adultery - What is the Emotional Impact?
- How common is fear of intimacy in marriage?*
- If my wife and I are regularly engaging in sexual intimacy, doesn't that mean that our overall marital intimacy must be pretty good?
- How can I create better marriage communication?
- What are some principles for Christian conflict resolution?
- What are some principles of family conflict resolution?
- What is marital conflict?*
- As a parent, what should I know about preteen masturbation?
- Is Masturbation A Sin?
- Is overcoming compulsive masturbation possible?
- Is teen masturbation normal and acceptable?*
Meaning in Tragedy Video - Listen as Sujo John shares his experiences from the terrorist attacks on September 11. Where did he find strength?
- Menopause Support - How can I get my family to supply the support I need?
- What are the most common symptoms of menopause?*
- What is menopause?
- Where can I find menopause help?
- Breast Cancer Diagnosis - Why Would God Allow me to get Cancer?*
- Breast Cancer Prognosis - Is There Hope?
- Breast Cancer Survivor - Where is the peace?
- Causes of breast cancer - What are they?
- Causes of miscarriage - Could it happen to me?
- Depression After Miscarriage - How Do I Heal Emotionally?*
- Helping a friend through a miscarriage - What do I say?
- I Want to Induce a Miscarriage - What Should I So?
- Am I obese?
- Effects of obesity – What are the dangers in being obese?
- What are some causes of obesity?
- What are some tips for safe weight loss?*
- What should I look for in a weight loss program?
- OCD in children - As a parent, how do I respond?
- OCD – What treatments are available? *
- Symptoms of OCD – How can I tell if I need help?
- Understanding OCD – Why am I like this?
- What is compulsive hoarding?
- Does the Bible give instruction on overcoming fear?
- Fear itself - What is its origin?
- How to overcome fear - Are there steps to help me?*
- Overcoming fears - What does it require?
- Dealing with jealousy - What are the ways?
- How Do I Overcome Jealousy in a Marriage?*
- What Does The Bible Say About Overcoming Jealousy?
- What Is Jealousy?
- Acute pancreatitis - Will I recover?
- Chronic pancreatitis - Is it serious?
- Symptoms of pancreatitis - What are they?
- What Is Pancreatitis?*
- Anxiety and panic attacks: Is there a relationship between panic and a peron's diet?
- What are some tips for panic attacks?*
- What are some tips for preventing panic attacks?
- What does the Bible say about anxiety and worry?
Parenting Tips - Are you mentally prepared to meet the demands of parenting? Do you want to be a better parent? If so, start here.
- Is there a way out of internet porn addiction?
- Porn and marriage - Does porn have a place in developing marital intimacy?
- What are some tips for breaking porn addiction?*
- Where can I find freedom from pornography addiction?
- How do I get Post Abortion Syndrome treatment?
- Post abortion stress syndrome - Will it go away?
- Post abortion syndrome depression - Can I be forgiven?
- What are some post abortion symptoms?*
- Healing from a rape - is it possible?
- How can survivors of rape ever forgive?
- Rape – Can there be intimacy again?
- What can I learn from a rape survivor?*
- What is date rape?
- Do you have any retirement advice?
- How can I connect with other retired people?
- What are keys to a happy retirement?
- What should I consider before early retirement?*
- How can I positively respond to the effects of aging?
- Is there a normal aging process?
- Socialization and Aging – How important is socialization?
- What are some tips for healthy aging?*
Self Worth Video - Actress Janine Turner speaks of rejection and show business. What caused her to see herself in a respectful way?
- If my child has infant separation anxiety, does that mean that he or she will have an ongoing problem with separation anxiety?
- Is adult separation anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder the same thing?
- What are the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder?*
- What kind of help is available in addressing the subject of separation anxiety in children?
- Christian help with pornography - Where can I find it?
- How effective and prevalent can a porn addiction Christian helpline be?*
- What are the key elements in the phenomenon of Christian pornography addiction and recovery?
- What is the prevalence of and prognosis for Christian porn addicts?
- Adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse - Can I ever forgive?
- Is hope and healing possible for survivors of sexual abuse?
- Lasting effects of child sexual abuse - What are they?
- Survivor of childhood sexual abuse - Does anyone care?*
- Can a sex addict break free from this addiction?*
- Sexual addiction recovery - Is it possible?
- What are the effects of porn addiction?
- Where can I find sexual addiction help?
- Depression stories - Is victory possible?
- How can I help my depressed teen?
- Is there treatment for depression?*
- Overcoming depression - What can we do?
Single Woman Video - Shawna shares about the struggles of being a single woman and the struggles that came with marriage.
- How to start smoking – Should I even consider it?
- My friends say that smoking is cool. Should I believe them?
- What are the dangers of smoking?
- What are the effects of smoking?*
- What are the causes of domestic violence?
- What is a cycle of abuse?
- What is a domestic violence safety plan and why could one help me?*
- What is emotional abuse?
- What is verbal abuse?
Stillbirth Video - This music video will help you grieve and be comforted. Listen to Dressed In White by Mary Como.
- Prayer for stress relief - Does prayer work to reduce stress?
- Stress relief activities - What actions are necessary?
- Stress relief techniques - What are they?
- What Is Stress?*
- Child Suicide - How Does a Parent Cope?*
- Coping with a Child's Suicide - Where Do I turn?
- Suicide and children - As a parent, how do I react to an attempted suicide?
- Surviving the suicide of a child - How do I move on?
- Can you tell me some teenage pregnancy stories?
- Teen pregnancy prevention – How can I prevent pregnancy?
- What are some options for an unwanted pregnancy?*
- Where can I find teen pregnancy help?
- Infertility help - What are the options?
- Is infertility support available?
- What are the causes of infertility?*
- What should I consider before agreeing to in vitro fertilization?
Verbal Abuse - What abuse does name calling fall under? Are you in an abusive situation? Don’t know what to do? Read here.
- Spousal verbal abuse - How can I avoid depression during times of abuse?
- What are some tips for dealing with verbal abuse?*
- What are the signs of verbal abuse?
- What is verbal abuse?
- Belief system - Do we ask God why?
- Does God Love Me?
- Why Does God Hate Me?
- Why is trusting God so difficult?
- Why Me?*
- I'm living with a workaholic, what should I do?
- What are some ways I can help the workaholic?
- What are some workaholic symptoms?
- Workaholics marriage - What are the dangers and remedies?*
* New Content
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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