All About GOD FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions on GodA Jealous God
- Purpose of Angels: Are they God’s Special Agents? - What is God's purpose in creating angels? What were they created to do? Should we worship them?
- What are Angels - Do they walk among us? - What characteristics do angels possess? What can they do with those characteristics? Click here and read more.
- What are the limitations of angels? - Do angels have power as God? What’s the purpose of angels? What’s the purpose of us and the angels? Read.
- What are the types of angels? - What types of angels are there? Do they live in heaven or somewhere else? Do we know angels exist?
- What are warring angels? - Do angels really fight battles in the sky with steel swords? Who are they fighting? Do angels always win?
- What do angels do? What are their duties? - What do angels do if they exist? Do they fly around all day? Who needs angels? What are their main duties?
- What does an annihilationist believe about hell? - What does an annihilationist believe about hell? What does the Bible say about eternal hell?
- Who was John Stott and how did he influence the concept of annihilationism? - What was John Stott's influence on the concepts of annihilationism? Find out here.
- Armor of God for Kids - How can I explain it? - How can I explain the armor of God to children? What is a simple explanation?
- What are the pieces in the whole armor of God? - Study the various pieces of armor that are discussed in Ephesians 6. What are the pieces?
- What are the verses for "Put on the whole armor of God"? - Where can I find the verses that share God's armor? Who wrote it?
- What is the purpose of the full armor of God? - Why do we have the armor of God? What is the purpose? What are the difference items?
- Why do I doubt salvation? - Is it wrong to have doubts about whether you are God’s child? Consider these verses.
- Children Ministry – Change The Life of a Child - Do you desire to make a difference in a child’s life? Consider a child sponsorship program that deals with physical and spiritual needs.
- Christian Charities – Showering love across the world one need at a time. - What do you look for in a charity? What sets some charities apart from others. Discover the answers.
- Christian Charity Organization - Are you searching for a ministry who cares for physical needs as well as spiritual ones? Find out what to look for?
- Christian Child Charity – Helping children overcome life’s challenges. - Understanding what to look for in a charity is essential. Consider this example of a respected charity.
- Christian Doctrine According to Black Elk - What does Black Elk of hte Oglala Sioux tribe say about the Christian faith in Jesus Christ? Find out.
- Christian Doctrine According to Bono - What does Bono of U2 have to say about region and God? What about grace and the importance of it?
- Christian Doctrine According to John Muir - Learn the story of the Thlinkit Indians and how they learned the power of grace and Christian doctrine.
- Do you have Christian Halloween poems? - Use this cute poem as a way to bring light to a dark celebration. Help others consider Jesus Christ on Halloween.
- What are some Christian Halloween ideas? - Learn fun alternatives for October 31. Think of creative ways to make your event fun and a draw for your neighborhood.
- What is the Christian history of Halloween? - Learn about the origins of this celebration. Is it all hocus pocus or is there any real danger? Find out here.
- What is the History of Halloween: A Christian Perspective? - Consider various origins of customs and traditions of Halloween. Where did costumes, jack-o-lanterns, and trick-or-treating come from?
- Where can I find Halloween tracts? - What a great idea! Pass out the truth to children who are trick-or-treating! Find tips and helpful resources here.
- Christian Mentor Training - Secret to True Credibility - What makes people feel successful? How can we help them reach their goals and find fulfillment? Learn more here.
- Christian Mentoring and Passing the Baton - How the Race of Life is Like a Relay Race - How does the art of passing the baton in a relay race apply to life principles? Find out here.
- Christian Mentoring Questions - Grow Wise By Walking With The Wise - How do I ask effective questions? What is the difference between open-ended, non-defensive, and goal-directed questions?
- Christian Mentorship - How to lead by example - What can we learn from Jesus' leadership style? How can that tremendously impact our mentoring relationships?
- Christian Youth Mentoring - Breakthrough Conversations - What are some thought-provoking questions to ask the next generation? Find some excellent ideas here to use in your mentoring relationships.
- As Christian business leaders, what challenges do you face in the business world? - Learn the challenges that often face Christians in the business world. What are the joys and do they outweigh the challenges?
- How do you run a Christian business? - What are some tips for running a successful and Christ-honoring business? What are the challenges?
- What makes you a Christian real estate agent? - Learn from one Real Estate agent who has centered her business around Christian principles. What is her mission?
- What type of ministry does your Christian real estate business provide? - Learn how one woman uses real estate to minister to others. What are the rewards of Christian business?
- God Eternal – What do theologians say? - What do theologians and Bible teachers say about this attribute of God? How can understanding it impact our lives?
- God is eternal Bible verses - What does the Bible say about God's eternality? What can we learn about God from these verses?
- God is Eternal – What does that mean? -
- Is God Eternal and how does that impact us? - Why is the eternality of God important in our lives? How does it impact us?
- Is faith in God a crutch? - Why is faith often seen as a crutch? Why is it perceived as such? Is it a crutch?
- Why is faithfulness to God an important part of a Christian's life? - Why is faithfulness important? What does the Bible say about having faith in God and its importance?
- How do you go about forgiving one who has hurt you? - Do you desire to forgive another for their offense against you? Consider this personal story of forgiveness.
- What does the Bible say about forgiveness? - Study several verses about forgiving others and being forgiven by God. Read what the Bible says about this topic.
- What is a definition for forgiveness? - Read a definition of forgiveness and thoughts about when to forgive, how to help others forgive, and what to do when you don’t feel like forgiving.
- What are some quotes on God's grace? - What have theologians through the years said about grace? What is important to understand about God's grace?
- What is a definition of God's grace? - Study the meaning of the word grace. What do the Greek and Hebrew words mean? Why it is important to understand grace?
- What is God's grace? What does the Bible say? - Study verses about grace and how it is an attribute of God. What does the Bible say about grace?
- God as Judge - What does it mean? - How does Ryrie describe God as a judge? What are His characteristics? Find out here.
- God's love and justice – How do they work together? - How are these two concepts harmonious? Is it possible to be both loving and just? Find out here.
- Is God Just? What have theologians said? - How have theologians through the years answered this question? What are some quotes on this topic?
- What does the Bible say about the justice of God? - What does it mean that God is just? What does the Bible say about God's justice and how does it describe this attribute?
- Merciful God – How does God's mercy correlate with other attributes? - How does God's mercy work together with other attributes? How does God's mercy differ from His grace?
- Mercy Verses – What are some Bible verses that talk about God's mercy? - What verses talk about God's mercy? Find them here and study the great mercy that you receive from God.
- What is Mercy? - What is mercy? How is it defined? Read various definitions and also commentary from various theologians.
- The Goodness of God Leads to Repentance - What does this phrase from Romans 2:4 mean? How does goodness lead to repentance?
- The Goodness of God vs Suffering - How can the goodness of God be true when there is so much evil in the world? - How can the goodness of God be true when there is so much evil in the world? Find help from God's Word.
- What verses in the Bible speak to God's Goodness? - What verses in the Bible speak to God's Goodness? What themes are including in the Bible referring to God's goodness?
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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