Christian Retreat Centers
Christian Retreat Centers - Safe Havens for Pastors and LeadersChristian retreat centers are a needed haven for Christian leaders and lay-members alike. In a world where we often find 24-hour days to be insufficient to achieve our Kingdom goals, we all need time to get away just as our Lord Jesus did on a frequent basis. Retreat centers around the world provide safe places for frazzled believers to stop and rest.
Christian Retreat Centers - Desperately Needed in Ministry
Church and ministry leaders desperately need Christian retreat centers to escape for spiritual rejuvenation. Today's modern pastor may face more stress and friction in his calling than in previous generations. In North America alone, an average of 1,500 pastors and ministry leaders step down from their post each month! Many never return to their leadership positions.
Some surveys say 55% of American pastors would change careers if they had a good offer. Most stated this feeling was due to rejection and stress. In recent years, 80% of seminary and Bible school graduates who entered Christian ministry left within the first five years. Upward of 70% of pastors fight depression constantly. 85% of ministry leaders say their greatest problem is they're sick and tired of dealing with uncooperative people. Upward of 80% of ministry spouses feel unqualified and discouraged.
Christian Retreat Centers - Learning to Rest
At the core of Christian retreat centers is rest! When we read Matthew 11:28, Jesus is speaking to the weary and burdened, and telling them to come to Him. When we come to Him, what does He promise us? Rest. Yes, just rest. We know that sounds very un-american, but it's the revealed word of God. For so many western pastors and ministry leaders the word "rest" is an action verb! No wonder burn-out rates are sky high!
Good retreat centers teach and underscore the concept of "resting in the Spirit," which is what new covenant Christianity is all about. Many retreat facilities also provide safe counseling and loving friendship. When you are a weary and burdened leader, you need to experience the unconditional, blood covenant love of our Father, and be free to unwind and relax in your own time.
Christian Retreat Centers - They're Affordable and Accessible
How much do Christian retreat centers cost? Whether you're an employed pastor or a recently resigned ministry leader, the cost of a retreat can be a serious consideration. Pastoral retreats can vary in cost from free to a few thousand dollars per week. One excellent ministry for the wounded and burned-out leader is Smoldering Wick Ministries. Smoldering Wick just acquired a retreat center called "Elijah's Hide-away." This facility will be free of charge to the burned-out or wounded ministry leader. At the present time, Smoldering Wick offers free help, including counseling, articles, educational tapes, friendship, and unconditional love.
Check Out the Resources Now!
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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