Is Jesus God?
Is Jesus God? Many people have dealt with the historical reality of Jesus by intellectually accepting Him as a great man, great teacher, or great prophet. However, Jesus and His followers really didn't mince words when they declared Him to be God, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jewish people. Check out the historical evidence here!- Blood of Jesus: Why is this idea so significant and important to the Christian? Find out its meaning here.
- Resurrection of Jesus Christ Video: Is there proof that Jesus rose from the dead? Did the resurrection of Jesus Christ really happen? Click to stream this short video of the truth!
- Flavius Josephus: As a non-Christian historian, Josephus mentions Jesus and other New Testament events and people in some of his works.
- Easter Origin: The history of this traditional holiday. The biblical accounts of this glorious event.
- How can Jesus be God: How do we know whether Jesus is God? Does that mean there are two Gods? Study the truth here.
- Jesus Son of God: Was Jesus really the Son of God or was He God Himself? Find helpful insight here.
- Criminals on the Cross: Which criminal made the correct decision? How did Jesus respond to Him? Read about this interaction here.
- Four Gospels: What are the names of the Gospel books of the Bible? Who wrote them and why were they written?
- Death of Jesus: Did Jesus really die like the Bible says? What proof is there of the Bible’s claim? Unearth some history here.
- Crucifixion of Jesus Video: Randall Niles explores the historical record surrounding this Roman form of torture and capital punishment.
- Gospel Of Judas: Study the facts of this Gnostic gospel. Did Judas betray Jesus because Jesus asked him to? Find out.
- Jesus Christ: Study the facts about Jesus and the events of His life on earth. What do these facts have to do with you.
- Crucifixion: Its origin, history, and purpose. Discover the details of this method of execution. Learn about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
- Origin Of Easter: Bunnies, eggs and baskets. What do these traditions have to do with the death and resurrection of Christ?
- The Case For Christ: Remain unbiased in your examination of the evidence. Judge the evidence for yourself, acting as the lone juror in the case.
- Jesus Christ: Who was this man that changed history? What's at the core of the biblical record?
- Historical Jesus: The rewritten history of the teacher named Jesus who walked this earth about 2,000 years ago.
- Bible Christmas Story: Learn the true Christmas story and the events of Jesus' birth. Read the account and learn the real Christmas story.
- The Resurrection: Learn about this event in history and how it impacts each of us. How does the resurrection impact you today? Find out from Romans 6.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Is the only thing telling me that Jesus was the person who fulfilled Old Testament predictions the New Testament?
- Messianic Prophecies: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms (Jesus).
- Messianic Prophecies Video: Randall Niles shares 40 prophecies of a coming Messiah in the Jewish scriptures (Old Testament).
- What Would Jesus Do?: This pop phrase has more to do with how we should live our daily lives.
- Jesus' Resurrection: An essential part of the Christian faith. Dramatic evidence for its historical veracity: extra-Biblical documentation, testimony, martyrdom and persecution.
- Parables of Jesus Video: The Scripture in this video is taken from Luke 8, The Parable of the Sower. What does Jesus mean?
- Is Jesus God Video: Dr Bobby Conway answers the question: Is Jesus God? Find out what his conclusions are.
- Suetonius: Punishment by Nero was inflicted on the Christians, a class of men given to a new and mischievous superstition.
- Evidence of the Resurrection Video: The One Minute Apologist gives us proofs for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. What are they?
- Evidence Of The Resurrection: After rising from the dead and before ascending back into heaven, Jesus was seen by hundreds of credible eyewitnesses.
- Good Friday: What does this day mean? What is the significance of Good Friday? Find out why this day is good and what your response should be.
- Passion Week: What is the timeline of Jesus’ last week before His death and resurrection? Study the major events.
- The Resurrection Video: Mike Licona discusses the historical evidence of Jesus' resurrections. What is the evidence? Find out here.
- Miracle Healings Video: A young pastor and his wife and talk candidly about his life-threatening brain tumor. What did they learn?
- Maundy Thursday: What is this day of Passion Week all about? What do Christians remember on this day? Read the biblical accounts.
- Who was Jesus?: Was this man a good teacher, a prophet, or the Savior of mankind? Find and study the proof here.
- The Case For Christ: Who was Jesus? Was He merely a good man? Maybe a teacher? Learn the evidence for who Jesus claims to be.
- What Is Faith?: Christian faith is not "blind faith" as I once thought. It's a "calculated faith" based on a preponderance of the evidence.
- Second Coming Of Christ: When will Jesus return to earth? What should we be looking for?
- Gospel Of St. Thomas: What does this "newly discovered" gospel of Jesus Christ really say? What doesn't it say?
- 12 Disciples: Why were these 12 chosen? Who were the men that Jesus chose to be His disciples? Study the Word.
- Blood of Jesus Video: Is Jesus the Savior of the World? Is He your Savior? Worship Him in song today.
- The Nativity: Learn the story that surrounds Jesus’ birth in the manger in Bethlehem. Read the biblical story here.
- Jesus Praying: Learn about Jesus prayer life – why He prayed, when, and how. Did Jesus communicate regularly with His Father?
- What Are The Dead Sea Scrolls?: Discovered between 1947 and 1956 in caves along the Dead Sea, they’ve been called the greatest manuscript find of modern times.
- Historical Jesus: Nobody can deny the fact that every leader of every major world religion has confronted the historical Jesus.
- Transfiguration of Jesus: What does transfiguration mean? Why is it an important part of Jesus’ life and ministry? Find info here.
- Gospel Of Mark: The Good News of Jesus Christ presented in quick sound bites.
- Resurrection Of Christ: What is the historical record for the death and resurrection of Jesus? How credible are the ancient witnesses?
- Amazing Miracles: Many people presuppose that miracles are impossible. What if miracles can be logically explained?
- Who is Jesus Video: Why does the name Jesus Christ cause more division, agitation, and controversy than any other name? Is Jesus God? Watch this short video clip!
- Evidence For Jesus: When it comes to archaeology, is there any evidence for Jesus? Do we have actual sites or artifacts that testify to the historical truth of Jesus Christ?
- Historical Jesus Video: Check out this short video answer now! Was there an historical Jesus? Can we investigate the evidence for Jesus outside the Bible?
- Palm Sunday: What is the history of this day in holy week? Why is it important? What is the message?
- Names Of Jesus: People called Jesus by many names. Did Jesus claim to be all those titles?
- Biblical Description of Jesus: What attributes describe Jesus in the Bible? What do His names indicate? What did Jesus say about Himself?
- Gospel Of Matthew: Concise yet complete information on the book of Matthew including its biblical history, outline, structure, significance, and the Great Commission.
- Maundy Thursday Video: What is this strange-sounding day? John Stonestreet explains the day and why it's important.
- Resurrection of Christ Video: Did Jesus really raise from the dead? Randall Niles examines this remarkable evidence for the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The Way, the Truth, and the Life Video: Did Jesus really claim to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life? Did Jesus make religious Truth exclusive? You gotta stream this short video!
- Work of the Cross Video: This skit is a classic and moving illustration of God’s love for mankind. How deep is God's love for you?
- Who Is Jesus Christ?: What do the ancient historical records really say about the person of Jesus?
- Is Jesus God?: I've found that something makes Jesus more contentious and convicting than all the other religious leaders combined. What is it?
- Jesus Is God: Discover various places in the Bible that talk about Jesus’ deity? Is He God? Find out what the Bible says.
- Miracle Healings: Jesus performed many miracles and healings during His time on earth. Check them out here.
- Work of the Cross: What was the purpose of Jesus’ death on the cross? Why has it changed all of human history? Find out here.
- Gospel of John Video: Who was this Logos, who became flesh and lived among us? What did the apostle John say about Jesus Christ? Stream this short video now!
- All About Jesus Christ: Study His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. Learn the importance of His life on earth and what His life has to do with you!
- Holy Tuesday: What occurred during Tuesday of Passion Week? Read about the events that occurred on this day of Jesus' life.
- Jesus Outside the Bible Video: Is there Proof for Jesus Outside the Bible? Randall Niles looks at ancient accounts of Jesus of Nazareth outside the biblical texts.
- Christian Religion Vs True Relationship: No religion here. Jesus is either the Son of God who offers the only true hope for the world, or he's not.
- Christmas Origin: Do you know the true origin of Christmas? What's the true meaning of our celebrations and traditions?
- Jesus the Good Shepherd Video: Nick Vitellaro shares a poem about being the lost sheep and how his shepherd found him. Are you lost?
- Miracles of Jesus Video: Spotless, blameless, perfect, righteous, etc all are accounted to us since we are in Him. Are you in Jesus?
- Resurrection Of Jesus Christ: Since the foundation of biblical Christianity is Christ's resurrection, the historical veracity of his life, death and resurrection are tantamount.
- Miracles Of Jesus: The miracles and wonders of Jesus attracted a following during His short time in public ministry.
- Gospel Of John: One of the four gospels to record the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Crucifixion Of Jesus: The graphic description of the death of Jesus on a Roman cross just outside Jerusalem.
- Jesus Is Lord: Although He emptied Himself to death for us, He still reigns as King of all.
- Bible Christmas Story Video: Watch a video that describes the true reason for the Christmas season. What is the greatest gift?
- Origin of Christmas Video: Merry Christmas to you from AllAboutGOD.com and Coldwater Media. What is the true meaning of this season?
- Gospel Of Luke: The Good News of Jesus Christ as recorded by the physician and historian.
- Jewish Tradition: The events surrounding the life of Jesus were not denied, but definitely verified in the Jewish tradition. Here’s a text.
- Parables of Jesus: As you read the parables found in the Bible, you wonder if they should be taken literally. Find out here!
- Miracles of Jesus Video: Randall Niles uses the famous illustration of a two-dimensional world to show the power of one extra dimension.
- Pliny The Younger: Roman Governor of Bithynia around 111 AD, he wrote a revealing letter to Emperor Trajan for protocol in punishing Christians.
- Jesus Tomb: What would the tomb have been like? What is the significance of it? Where was it? Learn what the Bible says.
- Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ: Is there eternal significance in the death of Jesus? What is the biblical support of these claims?
- Jesus Resurrection Video: Why was Jesus' resurrection significant in world history? Learn by watching this video.
- Resurrection Of Jesus Christ: What proof is there that Jesus rose from the dead? Was Jesus seen alive after His death? Is it all a fable?
- Empty Tomb: A significant majority of scholars agree that Christ's tomb was found empty. A look at the Roman and Jewish responses.
- Amazing Miracles Video: Miracles. Randall Niles examines David Hume and the classic arguments for and against the possibility of miracles.
- Holy Monday: Why did Jesus cleanse the temple? What other events occurred on Monday of Holy Week?
- Resurrection Of Jesus: Jesus established His nature as God by conquering death. How can we build some foundation under our faith?
- Christian Persecution: Dying for a belief is one thing, but numerous eye-witnesses dying for a known lie is quite another.
- Origin Of Christmas: When did Jesus' birth really occur? What is the basis of our celebrations? Investigate here.
- Cornelius Tacitus: A great historian of ancient Rome who wrote a powerful piece regarding Nero's persecution of Christians in 64 AD.
- Jesus the Good Shepherd: What does this phrase mean to you? What did John mean when he wrote that phrase? Learn more.
- Names of Jesus Video: View this presentation of Jesus names. What were the names He was given? What do they mean?
- Jesus is Lord Video: If Jesus' claims were false, then He was a liar or a lunatic. If they were true, then that means He is Lord. If He is Lord, then there are two alternatives...
- Christmas Origin Video: Watch a presentation o f A Christmas Moment by Andy Stanley. What is the Christmas story all about?
- Prophecy About Jesus: Was the Jesus of the New Testament really the promised Messiah of the Old Testament? Examine the evidence for yourself.
- Miracles Of Jesus: If one accepts the reality of a supernatural creator, the gospel accounts of the miracles of Jesus are very reasonable.
- Evidence for Jesus Video: You have got to see this short video! Stream it now! What's the archaeological evidence for Jesus? Is there any archaeology from the time of Christ?
- Jesus Christ Video: Randall Niles investigates Jesus' true identity. Who was Jesus? What made Him significant in history?
- Who Is Jesus?: A look at the foundational accounts for the person and nature of Jesus Christ.
- Resurrection of Jesus Christ Video: Study the Easter story with Ray Vander Laan. What does Jesus' resurrection have to do with you?
- Who is Jesus Christ Video: An historical teacher? A prophet? Find out who Jesus is and why it is important to your life.
- The Nativity Video: Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel... listen to the Franz Family as they share this Christmas hymn. What does it mean to you?
- Lamb of God Video: What does it mean that Jesus died for you? Learn from His Word about what He did for you.
- Is Jesus God: His claims of deity are very profound. Either He's God incarnate or He's not. What's your call?
- Passion Week Video: In this episode of Drive Thru History, Dave Stotts explores the trial, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. What is Passion Week?
- The Case for Christ Video: Do we have reliable records about Jesus? Lee Strobel tackles this important question. Find the answer here.
- Jesus Praying Video: The night of his arrest, Jesus of Nazareth prayed at the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. What did He pray?
- Biblical Description of Jesus Video: Why is Jesus Christ presented in the Bible as the only one qualified to bring us into God's presence? Dr. Erwin Lutzer answers.
- Crucifixion Video: What is the crucifixion? Why is it important? Did Jesus die for you and your sins? Find out.
- Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Video: This powerful video illustration presents a creative and artistic worship experience from spoken word poet, Amena Brown. Why did Jesus die?
- Who Was Jesus Video: What do people say about Jesus? Who is He? Why did He come to earth? Find out people's views.
- Good Friday Video: The One Minute Apologist asks the question, Is Jesus the Passover Lamb? What's the answer?
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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