Life Challenges
Life Challenges will touch each and every one of us! Whether it’s you or someone close to you, you will undoubtedly face a personal trial in your life. Why? How do we cope when they hit? Where do we find hope and meaning in the midst of these Life Challenges?- Forgiving Infidelity Video: Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs share their struggle to keep faithful. What was the result?
- Adopting A Child Video: Eric Ludy shares how God gave him a passion for orphans around the world.
- Grief Process Video: Randy Moore shares helpful tips on coping with grief. How did he survive? Find out here.
- Single Parent Video: Shawna shares how God worked through her situation as a single parent. What was her hope?
- Cancer Patients Video: Learn from Tamara Jolee and her battle with cancer. What is her response to this life-changing event?
- Marital Infidelity Video: The Parks share of their marriage struggles and how they worked through the challenges. What was the key?
- Self Worth Video: Actress Janine Turner speaks of rejection and show business. What caused her to see herself in a respectful way?
- Meaning in Tragedy Video: Listen as Sujo John shares his experiences from the terrorist attacks on September 11. Where did he find strength?
- Single Woman Video: Shawna shares about the struggles of being a single woman and the struggles that came with marriage.
- Meaning in Tragedy: What part does evil have in tragedy? Why doesn’t God always stop evil and tragedy? Learn more.
- Forgiving Infidelity: Where is the healing for marital unfaithfulness? Can a torn marriage be mended? The strength comes from outside yourself.
- Hair Loss: Do you find hair daily in the bottom of your shower? Should you be concerned? Find out what is “normal” hair loss.
- Love Addiction: Do you know someone who seems to be addicted to dating and romance? There’s a name for that; read this article to find out more.
- Gastric Bypass Surgery: Is there hope when life throws one burden after another at you without any answers? Read how one woman overcame this experience!
- Inside The Mind Of A Sex Addict: Hear one man's testimony of his struggle with pornography and addiction. Discover how he found help and forgiveness.
- Coping With Divorce: A divorce has a powerful impact on the entire family. How do women deal with divorce?
- Feeling Alone: Are you afraid of your loneliness? Does it plague your heart? Consider this remedy for loneliness.
- All About Parenting: Learn skills and techniques to improve your parenting. Learn to be a loving and consistent parent to your child!
- Fear of Failure: What has been said regarding fear of failure? Read this quotes regarding the topic of failure and persistence.
- Coping with Stress at Work: How can I make my work environment less stressful and more productive? Find helpful tips.
- How to Help Children Cope with Death: What are some tips for helping children with the death of someone they love? Find helpful tips.
- Signs Of Depression: What are the characteristics? How do I know if I’m depressed? Learn what to look for in yourself and others.
- Borderline Personality Disorder: Learn the symptoms of this disorder and also the treatment options available. What is the success rate?
- Sibling Rivalry Video: How can parents tune down sibling rivalry? Learn these helpful tips.
- God and Suffering Video: Why does God allow suffering? Why do seemingly innocent people suffer? Learn from Greg Laurie.
- Coping With Depression: True self worth comes through understanding the love of God. His love gives significance and new life.
- Post Abortion Syndrome Video: A couple who aborted their first child discusses the forgiveness that has healed their marriage and lives.
- Metastatic Breast Cancer: Living with cancer as a new lifestyle can bring total despair or renewed hope.
- Self Worth: How is real self worth obtained? Can I do certain things to build up my image and confidence?
- Healing A Broken Heart: It takes time to recover, but it is possible. Find out how you can recover from the hurt.
- Traumatic Brain Injury: Discover how one man lived through TBI and has learned how to find hope for living. It isn’t easy.
- Cancer Treatment: Coping with cancer is a struggle. Read one woman’s story of survival and encouragement for those going through it.
- Anger Management For Parents: Learn indications of anger in your life and how to control that anger instead of taking in our on your kids.
- Chronic Pain Relief: Discover practical strategies and methods. Use the soreness to reexamine your significance and purpose in life.
- Quest for Happiness: What can we learn from a game of Frisbee? What makes certain people happier than others? Find out here.
- Chronic Pain: A lifestyle of physical agony. A life of spiritual hope, meaning and purpose.
- Christian Testimony Video: You have got to watch this story of Greg Outlaw who was pronounced terminally ill and what happened after that! You name it drugs, alcohol, sexual addiction, materialism, hedonism, and a lifestyle of debauchery -- nothing can change a life like God can!
- Husband Addicted to Porn: Have you discovered your husband’s secret? How should you react? How do you work through the emotions you are feeling? Learn here.
- Discouragement: Where is God in your discouraged spirit? Why are you so sad? Find help from His Word here.
- Love: How is love defined? Why is it important to our daily lives? How does it differ from lust?
- Life Challenges: Is life a continual struggle for you? Do you want relief? Find helpful articles and lasting hope.
- Child Discipline: Learn various techniques and tips for disciplining your children.
- Coping with Anxiety Video: You don't have to teach someone how to worry. It comes naturally. How can we find peace in the midst of worry?
- Fear of Failure Video: Bridge the gap between frustrating old feelings and emerging new realities of who Jesus is and who you are.
- Signs of Gluten Intolerance: What are the signs of gluten intolerance and Celiac Disease? What is the difference? Find helpful tips on starting the gluten free lifestyle.
- Coping with Depression Video: Nick Vujicic's music video of Something More. How can we gain peace as we travel difficult roads in our life?
- Parenting Plan: What should I do when I make a mistake as a parent? How do I teach my children to be kind and compassionate?
- Miscarriage Statistics: The definitions and statistics underlying miscarriage. The physical and emotional effects.
- Separation Anxiety: Learn how to teach toddlers not to react negatively when you leave them with a sitter or family member. Leaving shouldn't be stressful.
- Chronic Fatigue: How do I know if I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or am just exhausted from work, a busy lifestyle, stress, etc?
- Empty Nest: Are you at a time of trying to find new purpose now that your kids have moved on? Find helpful ideas here.
- Adopting A Child: How much will it cost? How long will it take? All these questions and more about adopting a child can be answered! Read here for more information.
- Blended Families: Find helpful information for integrating two families together. What has been successful for others?
- Teen Pregnancy: What are the hardships facing unwed teen mothers? Read several stories of girls who were faced with hard decisions.
- Guilt: Learn how to get rid of guilty feelings. What is the only answer to our human guilt problem?
- Life Challenges Video: Are you going thru a challenging time in life? Spend time reflecting on this music video. Be encouraged.
- Feeling Alone Video: Are your friends just names in a directory? Or are they true friends? Do you feel alone?
- Coping with Loneliness Video: Are you struggling with lonely feelings? Find hope and encouragement from an online coach.
- Shame and Regret: What is the meaning of shame? Regret? Why do we face these emotions and how can we recover?
- Marriage Conflict Video: What is public perception of sex, marriage, love? Discover the purpose of sex, marriage, and love. How does it impact you?
- Caring for the Elderly Video: What is the value of elderly people? What can we learn from them? Find out helpful insights here.
- Christian Parenting Video: How do parents impart a Christian world-view to their kids? Lael Arrington opens up about the challenges of parenting and raising children to love the Lord.
- Stillbirth Video: This music video will help you grieve and be comforted. Listen to Dressed In White by Mary Como.
- Manage Attention Deficit Disorder: Are you having trouble concentrating and staying on task? Could you have ADD/ADHD? How can you cope? Learn more here.
- Bed Wetting: Learn the causes and solutions to this childhood tendency. What can help your child?
- Spouse Abuse: Your spouse belittles and criticizes you, but has not been physically abusive. Is this acceptable? Should you be worried?
- Reverse Aging: Do you wish to defeat death and live a long healthy life? Learn to have a good perspective on aging.
- Television Addiction: Learn more about this obsession with TV and practical ideas for breaking out of it. Learn more here.
- Parenting Tips: Want some keys to being an effective parent? How does genuine love and discipline mesh?
- Adult Children of Alcoholics: Have you been told that you’d be just like your drunken parents? Want to avoid that? Read what others do?
- Dealing with Difficult People Video: It's not about being a good person. It's about being like Jesus. This video challenges each of us to reflect on and examine how we live each day...and how we love others.
- Late Term Abortion Video: The Bible tells us that we are created in the image of God. And because that image is in us, all life is sacred.
- Dealing with Bullying Video: The Bible tells us that we are created in the image of God. And because that image is in us, all life is sacred.
- Dealing With Death Video: Brian Deegan and Ronnie Faisst talk about the death of their good friend Jeremy Lusk. What is the message they want you to hear?
- Obesity Help: Learn how to change your perspective and surrender your weight to God. Read one woman’s story here.
- Military Wife: Discover tips from other wives on how to cope with life when your spouse is away. Find hope.
- Suicide Of A Child: Are you seeking help and comfort? Have you lost your son or daughter? Read one mother’s story of survival.
- Manic Depressive: What is this condition? Whom does it affect? What are the treatment options? Is there hope for recovery?
- Cancer Patients: Wondering “What did I do to deserve cancer?” Is it a punishment? Learn where to turn for direction.
- Sibling Rivalry: Is it possible? Can siblings be friends and not be ruled by rivalry and competition? Find out some tips from other parents.
- God and Suffering: Why does God allow people to suffer and go through trials? It seems so unfair! Find help and understanding.
- Fantasize: Is it wrong to dream of life with someone else and live that fantasy in my mind? Is it harmful for my marriage?
- Emotional Infidelity: What is it and how can I prevent it for destroying my marriage and family? Discover answers and tips here.
- Hepatitis C: Earthly diseases are discouraging if we forget who ultimately controls all things. What can Jesus do for your condition?
- Marital Infidelity: Statistics and facts regarding extramarital relationships are undeniable. Evidence points to these statistics being on the increase.
- Grief Process: Are you asking “what if” or experiencing guilt because of the loss of a friend? Find hope and reassurance here.
- Stress Relief: Are you looking for ways to reduce the stress and pressure in your life? Discover ways here.
- Managing Diabetes: Learn various treatment methods, lifestyle changes, and emotional adjustments. Educate yourself.
- Panic Attacks: You deny the doctor’s diagnosis that you’re experiencing panic attacks. You’re not the weak, fearful type. You think, “Why me?”
- Pancreatitis: Painful inflammation of the large gland behind the stomach. A look at the symptoms, causes and possible treatments of acute and chronic forms of this painful condition.
- Post Abortion Syndrome: The medical and emotional pain. The long-term effects of depression and despair. A message of hope.
- How to Die: Is your spirit hurting? Are you looking for a way out? Do you want the pain to cease? Read one man's story.
- Christians and Porn: How does pornography affect a man's spiritual life and fellowship with God? Read this story of darkness.
- Alzheimers Support: Is she having difficulty remembering things that used to come easily? Does he become easily confused or panicked?
- Christian Marriage Counseling: Refocus your priorities in life. Find solutions for the issues that are harming your relationships. Learn improvement techniques for marital relationships.
- Marital Intimacy: How can I develop a strong bond with my spouse? Is this strong connection with my spouse possible?
- Single Woman: Read a story of a woman who longed to get married, compared herself to other married women, and finally learned to be content.
- Late Term Abortion: Discover more about this form of abortion and the procedures used. Read one woman’s story about her birth.
- Dealing With Death: Where did dying come from? Why is it so prominent? Why did it happen to my loved one?
- Christian Family Counseling: Jesus should be the center of your family. How can we truly implement this truth?
- Divorce Questions: There are many facts and statistics on the problem of divorce. Where should you go for help?
- Coping With Separation: Separating from those we love is hard. Learn why you are having these feelings and find help for your hurting heart.
- Coping With Loneliness: Friends can let us down when they turn away during a life crisis. When we're alone, who can we turn to?
- Trying to Conceive: Are you struggling with infertility and trying to cope emotionally? Consider these insightful tips for coping in a healthy manner.
- Overcoming Jealousy: Do you have feelings of envy toward others? Nothing good comes from an evil and jealous spirit. Learn more.
- Marriage Conflict: How do we disagree in marital conflict and still come out of it loving each other? Learn techniques.
- Coping With Miscarriage: Dealing with pregnancy loss isn’t about forgetting, it’s about grieving and honoring your baby.
- Overcome Fear: Dying doesn’t have to be a scary process. Learn how you can find peace and comfort instead of anxiety.
- Anger Management Techniques: Learn the physical and emotional effects that anger has on your body. Find and implement techniques for improvement.
- Single Parent: Identify your struggles and find support for your family. You have a tough job, but you can survive!
- Verbal Abuse: Living through emotional abuse? Depression setting in? Feel like you’re in a rut? Want to work it out? Here’s help.
- Menopause: Are you wondering about the loss of womanhood? What does menses cessation mean for a woman? Want answers? Read here.
- Coping With Anxiety: Do you worry too much? Is your body reacting negatively? Discover how to reduce stress and find lasting relief.
- Caring For The Elderly: Read practical tips and info on caregiving. Read how one couple survived the ordeal of a mother with cancer.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: If you think you’re all alone with in dealing with OCD, you’re not. Find answers to some basic questions about this disease.
- Premarital Sex: Uncover the answers to this age-old question. Is it really better to wait to have a sexual experience until after marriage?
- Dealing With Depression: Even the Bible recognizes despair and desperation. Why deny the hurt and dejection? Find helpful advice for life.
- Unplanned Pregnancy: What are my options now? Where do I turn? Where do I go? Find answers here.
- All About Life Challenges: Find hope and comfort as you go through difficult times in your life. Learn principles to help you cope.
- Stillbirth: Read Mark and Crystal’s story of surviving the devastation on stillbirth. Find hope through reading their story.
- Coping with Crisis: Find help to get you through a time of crisis. Read this firsthand story of one lady’s journey. She shares helpful tools.
- Living with In Laws: Why do so many find it difficult to live with their in-laws? How can these difficulties be resolved? Find practical tips.
- Cure for Anxiety: You're not alone. Many people suffer from anxiety. Find out how to find help and contentment.
- Family Conflicts: Consider these thoughts for working through the conflict that resides in so many families. How can we get it resolved before it gets out of hand?
- Christian Marriage Counseling Video: The psychologists and marriage experts explain how fighting, if done right, can actually strengthen a relationship. How?
- Dealing with Depression Video: Sheila Walsh talks about her lowest point and the hope and healing she finally found. What was her turning point?
- Healing a Broken Heart Video: Is your spirit broken? Sheila Walsh shares the cure for healing your broken heart.
- Quest for Happiness Video: It's exhausting being the best. What does that mean? Listen as Pete Briscoe shares his story.
- Trusting God: Cancer has taught me to trust. When I release my cancer to God, He works everything out for good.
- My Purpose in Life: God does answer prayers in mysterious ways. He answered my most fervent prayers for the soul of my beloved son.
- Joy of the Lord: Cancer can make us bitter or better. I found that the joy of the Lord is very important in my healing process.
- Dealing with Difficult People: How do you handle those people who are difficult, annoying, or cynical? Find out helpful tips here.
- Ripples of Influence: As a pebble in a pond creates numerous rings of influence, so did my mother in the lives of those she touched.
- Total Surrender to God: I learned to give my total life to God. I would spend the rest of my life in total surrender to Him.
- Breast Cancer Diagnosis: I questioned why God allowed this to happen. Hadn’t God just promised that He had a wonderful plan for my life?
- Winter Blues: Are you down and depressed this winter? Could you suffering from the winter blues? Find the symptoms here.
- Reflections of a Son: My mother’s last hours on earth reflected a powerful life of courage, strength, and faith in Jesus Christ.
- Decision Making: We all want to do what is right, but it isn’t always clear which option is best. How can we tell?
- Dealing with Bullying: Are you being bullied? What about your child? Find helpful tips on dealing with bullying.
- Preparing for Marriage: How can a couple best prepare for a healthy married life together? What things should be discussed and considered?
- God’s Plan for my Cancer: I finally turned my cancer over to God and His plan. This helped me release much of my fear.
- Breast Cancer Survivor: A personal story about finding peace, joy and hope in the midst of cancer and other trials of life.
- Discouragement Video: How can gratitude change our lives? How do we cultivate the response of gratitude?
- Overcome Fear Video: Speaking in public, going bald and gnomes...we all have fears. Watch as the Skit Guys go through 5 ways to kill fear in your life.
- How to Cope with Anger: Why am I experiencing such angry thoughts? What can I do to bring down my anger? Find help.
- Retirement Planning: When preparing for this life transition, remember the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of your life. Be prepared in all areas.
- Parenting: How do I know what to do? Is it important to stay consistent? What if my kids don't like me? Find helpful advice here.
- Working Mom: Do you find yourself stressed and trying to get everything done -- trying to meet the needs of each part of your family? Find help.
- Breast Cancer Treatment Options: The overwhelming task of choosing doctors and treatment options -- Where do you begin and who do you trust?
- Parenting a Child with Special Needs: What are tips for parenting a child with special needs? Learn from the perspective of a young woman with special needs.
- Gifts From God: God gave me my last days to see His wonderful plan being worked out in the lives of those I love.
- God's Will: I developed a deeper relationship with God. I developed a deeper appreciation for God’s will in my life.
- Blessings of Cancer: It is better to add life to your years than to add years to your life. God can turn anything for His good.
- Prayers for Healing: God is our hope and promise. He is in control and He does perform miracles. We are part of His family.
- Breast Cancer Recurrence: I learned many lessons as a result of my recurrence. I learned to take a more active role in my health.
- Cancer Support Groups: As we share our journey with cancer, we get strength and hope from each other, from the Bible, and from prayer.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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