All About GOD
These videos are published across AllAboutGOD's 55 websites:Latest Videos
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Did Jesus go to hell?
Did Jesus say He was God?
What were the occupations of the 12 disciples?
Origin of Islam
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Parable of the Prodigal Son
Prayers for the Dying
The Power of Prayer
What are the Prophecies Fulfilled by the Crucifixion
What is Existentialism?
What is Prayer?
What is Spiritual Growth?
What is the Faithfulness of God?
What is the Mind of Christ?
What is the role of the wife in the Bible?
What is the role of the husband in the Bible?
The Significance of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
Who was the disciple whom Jesus loved?
The Blood of Jesus
Characteristics of Postmodernism
Definition of a Disciple
The Gospel of John
Is the Bible True?
What is Morality?
Origin of Easter
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Praise and Worship
Relationship with God
What is Spiritual Maturity?
History of Christianity
What is Cultural Relativism?
What is Intercessory Prayer?
Meaning behind the Blind Men and the Elephant?
Christian Accountability
Different Types of Fasting
God is Love
Comparison of Christianity and Hinduism
How many people wrote the Bible?
Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?
Is Reincarnation in the Bible?
Parable of the Lost Coin
Parable of the Tenants
What are Moral Values?
What are scriptures on Prayer and Fasting in the Bible?
What does God look like?
What happened to Joseph the Father of Jesus?
What is a Carnal Christian?
What is Communion?
What is Faith?
What is Faithfulness to God?
Who are Fallen Angels?
Who was Jabez?
Why did God create Satan?
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Jesus Casts Out Demons
The Last Supper
The Two Thieves Crucified Next to Jesus
The Death of Jesus Christ
What is the Origin of Religion
How close is the Rapture?
How important is Obedience to God in your daily walk?
The Bema Seat - What is it and who is it for?
Prayer Warriors and what they accomplish
What are some Prayers of Thanks from the Bible?
What is the History of John the Apostle?
The Sin of Pride Pt. 1: Why is it so bad?
The Sin of Pride Pt. 2: A surpise ending
The Sin of Pride Pt. 3: Bad choices, big consequences
The Sin of Pride Pt. 4: What's the problem?
The Sin of Pride Pt. 5: Victory in sight!
What is Materialism - Does it define our values today?
New Age: A valid pursuit or a hopeless quest?
What is the Meaning of Religion?
Facts about the Water to Wine Miracle
Powerful themes in the Gospel of Luke
What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Dualism?
Significance of the Names of Jesus
Is Postmodernism the World's Savior?
Who was Joseph and his Brothers from the Bible?
Does Natural Law Rule Society Today?
What is Dualism and how does it relate to Christianity?
A detailed look at the Christian Worldview
Will the real Jesus please stand up!
Absolute Truth or Relativism - Which One is Nonsense?
Who is Responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ?
Who is God? The Answer Might Not Be What You Think
What were the Dark Ages? Do they influence life today?
Who were the 12 Disciples?
Why am I here?
Attributes of God
Born Again Christian
Christian Fasting
Daniel Fast
Definition for Forgiveness
Definition of God's Grace
Do I Have To Be Baptized To Go To Heaven
Forgiving Yourself
Hearing God's Voice
History of Satan
How do you know God is speaking to you?
How To Get To Heaven
How to Live the Christian Life
How To Pray To God
How to surrender your heart, body, and soul to God
Jesus is God
Messianic Prophecy
Once Saved, Always Saved
Prayer And Fasting
Prayer Of Forgiveness
Prayer Of Jabez
Second Coming Of Christ
Story of Lucifer
The Great Commission
The Roman Road
The Second Coming
What Are The Seven Deadly Sins
What is a Christian?
Who is Jesus
Life Challenges
Alcohol Addiction
Cancer Patients
Caring for the Elderly
Christian Drug Addiction
Christian Marriage Counseling
Christian Testimony of Greg Outlaw
Coping with Loneliness
Dealing with Bullying
Dealing with Depression
Dealing with Difficult People
Discouragement Video
Drug Addiction
Fear of Failure
Feeling Alone
Food Addiction
Forgiving Infidelity
God and Suffering
Healing a Broken Heart
How to Commit Suicide
I Hate My Life
Late Term Abortion
Life Challenges
Marriage Conflict
Meaning in Tragedy
Overcome Fear
Porn Addiction
Post Abortion Syndrome
Self Worth
Sexual Addiction 1
Sexual Addiction 2
Why Me God?
Scientific Worldviews
Abiogenesis Video
Anatomical Homology
Anthropic Principle
Book of Genesis
Big Bang Theory
Cell Structure
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin - Journey
Complexity of Life
Cosmic Fine Tuning Video
Creation Evidence - Fundamental Forces
Creation Evolution
Creation vs Evolution
Darwin's Theory
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Dawkins and Religion
DNA Structure
DNA and Computers
DNA Double Helix
Evidence for Evolution
Evolutionary Perspective
Evolution of Man
Evolution of Sex
Evolution Timeline
Evolution vs Creation
Existence of God
Frog Soup
God the Creator
Human Eye Function
Images of Nature
Intelligent Design
Interdependence and Symbiosis
Is God a Delusion
Large Hadron Collider Experiment
Marco Polo in China
Miller and Urey
Mind over Matter
Origin of Life
Origin of Species
Origin of the Cosmos
Origin of the Universe
Origin of the Universe
Proof of God
Punctuated Equilibrium
Second Law of Thermodynamics
SETI Project
The Cambrian Explosion
The Flood
Theory of Relativity
Watch Design
Who Made God?
Philosophical Worldviews
Absolute Truth
Adolescent Culture
Atheist Faith
Blind Men and the Elephant
C.S. Lewis Quotes
Cosmological Argument
Creation vs. Evolution
Critical Thinking
Cultural Materialism
Cultural Relativism
Does God Exist
Ethical Relativism
Insanity Defense
Inside Information
Is God Real?
Is there a God?
Mind vs. Brain
Moral Argument
Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism Interview
Natural Law
Ontological Argument
Philosophy of Life
Postmodern Law
Principles of Morality
Problem of Evil
Relative Truth
The Elephant Principle
The Meaning of Life
Truth and Religion
What is the Secret?
What is Truth
Who Created God?
Why Am I Here?
Why is There So Much Evil in the World?
Ancient City of Ephesus
Ancient Jerusalem
Ancient Laodicea
Ancient Smyrna
Basics of Archaeology
Bible Archaeology
Caesarea Philippi
Churches of Revelation Video
Dead Sea Scrolls
Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit
Evidence for Jesus
Galilee Boat
History of the Rosetta Stone
Kidron Valley
Pontius Pilate
Qumran Caves
Sea of Galilee
Shroud of Turin
Tel Dan
Temple Mount
Is the Bible True?
Bible Manuscripts
Biblical Archaeology
Bible Truth
Christian Prophecy
History of the Bible
Holy Bible
Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Is the Bible True?
Israel in Prophecy
King James Bible
Lost Gospel
Moral Ethics
Old Testament Survey
Who Wrote the Bible
Who is God?
Eternal God
Everlasting God
Fear of God
God is Just
Good and Evil
Is God Unfair?
Is Heaven Real?
Who is God?
Who Is Jesus?
Amazing Miracles
Biblical Description of Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Evidence of the Resurrection
Good Friday
Gospel of John
Historical Jesus
Is Jesus God?
Jesus Christ
Jesus is Lord
Jesus Outside the Bible
Jesus Praying
Jesus Resurrection
Lamb of God
Maundy Thursday
Messianic Prophecies
Miracles of Jesus
Miracles of Jesus (Flatland)
Names of Jesus
Parables of Jesus
Passion Week
Resurrection of Christ
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Case for Christ
The Nativity
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
Who is Jesus?
Who is Jesus Christ?
Who was Jesus - People on Street Respond
Work of the Cross
What Do You Believe / World Religions
Ash Wednesday and Lent
Astrology Readings
Atheist Religion
Beginning of Christianity
Belief Systems
Buddha Statue
Christian Church
Christian Faith
Church of Oprah
Church of Scientology
Definition of Religion
History of Christianity
History of Israel
Is Allah God?
Jehovah's Witness Religion
Jesus Seminar
Life After Death
Mormonism vs Christianity
Origin of Islam
Origin of Religion
Orphanage Outreach
Religious Cults
Religious Pillars
Religious Pluralism
Religious Tolerance
Roman Gods
Satan Worship
The Journey
What Do Mormons Believe
What Do You Believe?
When Belief Becomes Faith
Bible Answers
Bible Facts
Bible Scripture
Bible Quotes
Christian Accountability
Christian Apologetics
Christian Discipleship
Christian Parenting
Da Vinci Code Truth – Conspiracy Game
Death and Heaven
Faith in God
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Grace vs Works
Jesus Loves Me
I'd Rather Have Jesus
Is God Good?
Jesus Christ
Knowing God's Will
Role of the Wife in the Bible
Small Group Bible Study
Spiritual Growth
The Cost of Discipleship
Trust in God
Understanding the Bible
Unpardonable Sin
Personal Spiritual Growth
What is Discipleship
What is Sin?
John 3:16
Plan of Salvation
Prayer of Salvation
What is the Gospel?
Christian Fellowship
Forgiving Others
Learning To Forgive
Prodigal Son
Answers to Bible Questions
Bible Questions
Human Trafficking Victims
Christian Values in Business
Become a Christian
Blood of Jesus
Christian Prayer
Give Glory to God
Glory to God
God is Love
God Help Me
God's Forgiveness
Hindrances to Prayer
Holy Holy Holy
How to Become a Christian
How to Be Saved
Intercessory Prayer
Love of God
Nature of God
Omnipresence of God
Savior of the World
Surrender to God
Trusting God
Daily Prayer
Knowing God
Family Prayer
Poems About Jesus
Praise and Worship
Prayer for Peace
Prayers for Women
Unanswered Prayer
Ways to Pray
What is Prayer?
Popular Issues
12th Imam
April Fools Day
Are We Misquoting Jesus?
Building a Christian Worldview
Christopher Columbus
Colonial America
Constitutional Rights
End Abortion Services
George Washington
Gettysburg Address
Good vs Evil
Historical Primary Sources
Human Suffering
Human Trafficking
Mayflower Compact Video
Meaning of Thanksgiving
Memorial Day Meaning
Miracle of Life
Mongul Empire
My Country Tis of Thee
New Atheist
Noah's Ark
Partial Birth Abortion
Postmodern Worldview
Pro Choice Abortion
Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research Reincarnation
Spiritual Heritage
Teaching Christian Worldview
Thanksgiving History
The Culture War
The End of Faith
The Paranormal
Veterans Day Holiday
Voice of the Martyrs
Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Comparative Worldviews
Christian Worldview:
- Christian Theology
Christian Philosophy
Christian Ethics
Christianity and Science
Christian Psychology
Christian Sociology
Christianity and the Law
Christian Politics
Christian Economics
Christianity and History
- New Age Theology
New Age Philosophy
New Age Ethics
New Age Science
New Age Psychology
New Age Sociology
New Age Law
New Age Politics
New Age Economics
New Age History
Marxist Worldview:
Marxist Worldview:
- Marxist Theology
Marxist Philosophy
Marxist Ethics
Marxism and Science
Marxist Psychology
Marxist Sociology
Marxist Law
Marxist Politics
Marxist Economics
Marxist History
Secular Worldview:
Secular Worldview:
- Secular Theology
Secular Philosophy
Secular Ethics
Secular Science
Humanist Psychology
Humanist Sociology
Secular Law
Secular Politics
Secular Economics
Secular History
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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