Adam And Eve - Who are they? The Biblical account. Milton's account. The Garden of Eden. Universal parenthood. Original sin. Meaning for today's world.
- Was Adam the first man?
- What is the story of Adam and Eve?
- Where was the Garden of Eden?*
- Why is the Adam and Eve story significant to me?
- How does the first century church compare to the church today?
- Who was Tertullian?
- Who were the early church fathers?*
- Why study early church history?
- Death of virgin Mary - How did she die?
- Is the intercession of blessed virgin Mary important?
- Is the worship of Mary biblical?
- Virgin Mary apparitions- Are they legitimate?*
- Roman Catholic Priests - What does the Bible say about the office of Priest?
- Should married priests be allowed into Catholicism?*
- Why did the Catholic priest abuse scandal happen?
- Why is there celibacy in the Catholic religion?
- Christian church history - What are the basics?*
- What should I look for when choosing a Christian church?
- What was the early Christian church like?
- What was the New Testament Christian church like? When did it start?
- Christian doctrine - What are the basics?
- Christian teaching - How does it differ from other religions?
- Christian theology - What are the essentials?
- Christian truth - How do I tell truth from lies?
- What is Faith?*
- What is the definition of faith?
- Baptist church history - Why did the Baptist church begin?
- Church history timeline - What are the major events?
- What is the history of church denominations?
- What is the history of the Catholic Church?*
- What is the history of Christianity in Africa?
- What is the history of Christianity in England?*
- What is the history of Christianity in Europe?
- What is the history of Christianity in Rome?
- How were early Christians persecuted?
- Who was Clement of Alexandria?
- Who was Saint Ignatius?
- Who were some of the early church fathers?*
- Comparison Christianity and Buddhism - What are the differences?
- Comparison Christianity and Hinduism - What are the differences?
- Judaism, Islam, Christianity comparison - Are there similarities?
- Why are there so many denominations of Christianity?*
- Don’t all religions lead to God?*
- Pluralism definition - What does pluralism mean?
- What is cultural pluralism?
- What is moral pluralism?
- What is political pluralism?
What Do You Believe Video - What’s the difference between Real Belief and Sunday Morning Religion? Have you really asked this question lately? Only watch this short video if you dare!
* New Content
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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