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Chuck Missler

Chuck Missler, after a distinguished military career and over thirty very successful years in the business world, decided to pursue his life-long love of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. He founded Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible. Koinonia House also produces the 66/40 radio broadcast, which features Missler's daily expository teaching.

Please click on the links below to begin listening to the messages or right click on the links and select "Save Target As" to download the messages.

Through the Bible - Chuck Missler

Hosea #1 Ch. 1 Introduction
Hosea #2 Ch. 2-3 Seven Blessings of Israel
Hosea #3 Ch. 4-5 Israel's Willful Ignorance
Hosea #4 Ch. 6 A Cake Not Turned
Hosea #5 Ch. 7-8 Jesus Christ On Every Page
Hosea #6 Ch. 9-10 Hosea
Hosea #7 Ch. 11-12 Hosea
Hosea #8 Ch. 13-14 Hosea
Timothy, I #1 Ch. 1
Timothy, I #2 Ch. 2
Timothy, I #3 Ch. 3-4
Timothy, I #4 Ch. 5-6
Timothy, II #1 Ch. 1-2
Timothy, II #2 Ch. 3-4
Esther #1 Ch. 1-2
Esther #2 Ch. 3-4
Esther #3 Ch. 5-7
Esther #4 Ch. 8-10
Esther #5 Macrocodes in Esther Part 1
Esther #6 Macrocodes in Esther Part 2
Genesis #01 Ch. 1:1 Intro. - Universal Beginnings
Genesis #02 Ch. 1:2 Creation or Re-Creation
Genesis #03 Ch. 1:3-19 Let Light Be
Genesis #04 Ch. 1:19-2:3 Life After It's Own Kind
Genesis #05 Ch. 2:4-3:6
Genesis #06 Ch. 3
Genesis #07 Ch. 4-5
Genesis #08 Ch. 6:1-14
Genesis #09 Ch. 6:15-9:19 Noah's Ark - A New Beginning
Genesis #10 Ch. 9:20-11
Genesis #11 Ch. Mazzaroth - Testimony of the Stars
Genesis #12 Ch. 12-13 The Call of Abraham
Genesis #13 Ch. 14-15 Contrast of Abraham and Lot
Genesis #14 Ch. 16-18 Test of Abraham
Genesis #15 Ch. 19-21 Sodom an Gomorrah
Genesis #16 Ch. 22 & 24 Resurrection of Isaac
Genesis #17 Ch. 23-26 A Prophecy to Recekah
Genesis #18 Ch. 27-29 God's Principle of Retribution
Genesis #19 Ch. 29:31 - Ch. 31:14 The Sons of Israel
Genesis #20 Ch. 31-34 Wrestling to the End of Self
Genesis #21 Ch. 35-37 Joseph, The Dreamer
Genesis #22 Ch. 37-39 Joseph, The Faithful Servant
Genesis #23 Ch. 40-41 Joseph Glorified
Genesis #24 Ch. 42-45 The Revelation of Joseph
Genesis #25 Ch. 46-48 & 50 Jacob's & Joseph's Faith
Genesis #26 Ch. 49 Israel's Prophecy
Jude #1 Ch. 1:1-4 Introduction3
Jude #2 Ch. 1:5 Israel in the Wilderness
Jude #3 Ch. 1:6 The Angels That Sinned
Jude #4 Ch. 1:7-8 Sodom and Gomorrah
Jude #5 Ch. 1:9-10 Michael, Satan and the Body of Moses
Jude #6 Ch. 1:11-13 Cain, Balaam and Korah
Jude #7 Ch. 1:14-15 Enoch
Jude #8 Ch. 1:16-25 Lessons and Conclusions
Malachi Study #1
Malachi Study #2
Malachi Study #3
Malachi Study #4
Malachi Study #5
James #1 Chapter 1:1-12
James #2 Chapter 1:13-27
James #3 Chapter 2:1-13
James #4 Chapter 2:14-26
James #5 Chapter 3:1-12
James #6 Chapter 3:13 - Chapter 4
James #7 Chapter 5
James #8 Conclusion

With permission from Firefighters For Christ, we encourage you to download as many MP3s as you like for non-commercial individual use.

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WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

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Why Should God Let You In Heaven

How to Know God
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