Does God Exist Scientifically?
Does God exist or did everything we see happen randomly? There are many scientific discoveries you won't learn about from high school and college textbooks. The best-known "icons" of evolution - from pictures of apes evolving into humans, to comparisons of fish and human embryos, to moths on tree trunks - are fraudulent or misleading. For decades, biology students have been taught things about evolution that are simply untrue. Wait until you start reading some of the truth… it’s utterly amazing…- Darwin's Theory of Evolution Video: Stream a short video on this theory. See the incredible advances we've made in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics since Charles Darwin.
- Creation Evidence: What does the observable evidence say about our life and origins?
- Software of Life: What can we learn from these blueprints? The density of the information encoded into DNA staggers the imagination!
- DNA Code: How does computer code and DNA Code compare? What similarities are there? What is the importance of the compiler?
- Charles Darwin: Although true beneficial mutations have never been observed, neo-Darwinian theory is today's general conjecture regarding evolutionary change.
- DNA Double Helix: Complexity and design screams out from the latest biological discoveries.
- Origin of Life Video: Stream this short video clip on the huge question of origins. Do you know what you believe and can you back it up with evidence?
- Darwin's Theory Of Evolution: What claims did Darwin make. How do they stand up to the latest arguments and evidences? Consider the facts.
- Darwin Day: Are people more interested in promoting a naturalistic worldview than they are a scientifically feasible model of origins?
- SETI Project Video: What impact does the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence have on Intelligent Design Theory? Has anything been discovered? Check this short video out!
- Evolution And The Fossil Record: Ramapithecus was recognized as a direct ancestor of humans. It is now established that he was merely an extinct type of orangutan.
- Materialism: Materialism is a worldview based on a naturalistic understanding of reality. How would you define it?
- Darwin Theory of Evolution Video: What is Darwin's Theory of Evolution - Four-winged fruit flies, genetic mutation, and morphology as proof for Evolutionary Theory.
- Evolution: Why do so many scientists believe in this theory of origins? Find out some reasons here.
- Scientific Method: What is the difference between empirical science and historical science? Is the scientific method free from subjective bias?
- Interdependence and Symbiosis Video: Randall Niles thinks about the symbiotic relationships throughout our world and the process of Co-Evolution that would have been required.
- DNA Molecule: The DNA molecule single-handedly defeated my life-long presupposition that life arose from non-life through random materialistic forces.
- Is God a Delusion Video: Is there a scientific or philosophical approach to establishing that God is no delusion? What would Dawkins say? You gotta stream this short video now!
- Origin of the Cosmos Video: Randall Niles reviews the two major cosmogonies: 1) Something Did It OR 2) It Did Itself.
- Creation Vs. Evolution: A look at word-views and presuppositions that underlie the arguments.
- Cosmic Fine Tuning Video: What is it? The fine tuning argument is simply summarized in this new episode by guest Dr. William Lane Craig.
- Creation Of Life: With no information code to tie biological components together, you have nothing resembling any kind of self-existing organism.
- Evolution Vs. Creation: What does the popular press tell us about our origins?
- New Proteins: When Darwin first proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection, he assumed that the raw materials of evolution were readily produced. How sound was this proposition?
- Theory Of Relativity Video: Watch this amazing video clip on the incredible number of perfect settings required to sustain life on our planet. Could all of these factors happened by chance?
- Evolution of Man Video: Who was Darwin and what are the arguments regarding his theory? What is natural selection and how does it play into what Charles Darwin believed?
- The Age Of The Earth Part 2: What does the fossil record tell us about the earth's geologic history?
- Dinosaur Extinction: What happened to the dinosaurs? What do the facts reveal? Study the latest concepts and evidence for the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
- DNA Structure: DNA consists of two chainlike molecules that twist around each other to form the classic double-helix. How is the structure of DNA optimized to produce maximum stability?
- Cell Structure Video: Does design necessitates a Designer? Watch this creative video that challenges evolutionary thought.
- Fossil Record: Since Darwin put forth his evolutionary theory, scientists have sought fossil evidence indicating past organic transitions. Where's the evidence leading?
- Evidence for Creation: How was the universe crafted? Was there an intelligent designer? Learn what proof there is of the creation mentioned in the Bible.
- Evolution of Sex Video: The origin and subsequent maintenance of sex and recombination is a phenomena not easily explained by Darwinian evolution. What is the problem?
- Homology Video: Homology Theory. Evidence for common ancestry or a common design? Check out this great clip that covers one of the main arguments for Darwinian Evolution, Homology Theory.
- Evolution Timeline Video: What are the phases of evolution in naturalistic history? Are there interrelated stages in the evolution timeline? Check this short video out!
- Second Law of Thermodynamics Video: Watch this awesome video clip on the huge number of perfect settings needed to sustain life on earth. Are these things random happenstance or designed? You decide!
- Proof Of God Video: Check out this short video clip! Is God real? Is it possible to prove that God exists? Does the universe and earth hold any proof of God? You have to watch this incredible evidence!
- Cosmogony Video: What caused the Origin of Everything? What are the prevailing cosmogonies, theories, and philosophies of the day?
- The Cambrian Explosion: The number of variant body plans which appear in short space of time is greater than at any other during the Cambrian explosion. What can account for such an abrupt and sudden appearance?
- Complexity of Life Video: What does all the order and design inherent in nature mean? Is life a miracle? View this short video now!
- Irreducible Complexity: Logically explain the gradual and random development of complex systems such as the human eye, ear, heart, lungs and brain.
- Junk DNA: What is junk DNA? Is junk DNA a challenge for intelligent design? What predictions does Intelligent design make with regards to junk DNA?
- All About Science: Can science help us understand life and our reason for living? Can new technologies help us understand ourselves better?
- Who Made God Video: Causation and Infinite Regress. Randall Niles responds to the question, "Who Made God?" with a look at Thomas Aquinas and the necessity for a First Cause.
- Origin Of Species: The book and theory that changed the way we think about life origins.
- Dark Energy: What is dark energy? How finely-tuned must this energy be in order to sustain a flat universe? Check out the facts.
- Catastrophism: What does our earth reveal about our geologic history? What are the implications of such a discovery?
- Theory Of Evolution: Macro-Evolution. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
- RNA World: What functionality does RNA have in common with both DNA and proteins? Did RNA once perform the functions of both?
- DNA Double Helix Video: Watch this awesome video clip of the spinning DNA double helix. Does it point to an act of random evolution or intelligent design? See the process of transcription and translation. You be the judge. What do the experts think?
- Evolution Vs Creation Video: Watch this incredible video clip of the Lampsilis Mussel. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain the creation of this mussel? What do experts think about this?
- Science: What is the connection? Are they compatible? Are they fundamentally two types of enquiry?
- Uniformitarianism Video: Randall Niles explores scientific laws/truths that seem to be at odds with one another, such as entropy and evolution or quantum uncertainty, determinism, and free will.
- Images of Nature: Do the intricacies of nature provide proof of a Designer? View pictures and Scriptures here.
- Large Hadron Collider Experiment: Learn about one of the most profound scientific projects ever conceived. What is the purpose and intent of this experiment?
- Evolutionism: A broad overview of the definitions attached to general evolutionary theory.
- Why I Believe in God: Do you believe in God? Read this man's answer that he wrote in response to a question from an atheist.
- Abiogenesis Video: Which came first? Randall Niles examines the chicken and egg paradox related to first life.
- Co-option Video: What is co-option? Co-option is a proposed solution to the problem of irreducibly complex machines inherent in living cells.
- Evidence For Intelligent Design: Phenomenal discoveries in the last few decades have unequivocally demonstrated that living systems are machines at the deepest, molecular level.
- Multiverse: What is a multiverse? Can the multiverse principle save the day for atheists? How does the multiverse principle attempt to explain cosmic fine-tuning?
- Human Eye: The retina cells receive light impressions, which are translated to electric pulses and sent to the brain via the optic nerve.
- Charles Darwin Video: Check out this incredible video clip on the Bombardier Beetle! What is the best explanation for how its defense mechanism came into existence?
- DNA Replication: How do cells replicate? How sophisticated is the process? Can natural selection explain the origin of DNA replication?
- Origin Of Life: The text books declare that life came from a rock through a random and timely process of matter acting on matter.
- Human Eye Function Video: What do organic subsystems reveal about Irreducible Complexity and Intelligent Design? Why is the human eye impossible? Stream this video clip now!
- Problems With The Fossil Record: Based on Darwin's own words, his theory of macro-evolutionary progression fails if we don't find evidence in the fossil record.
- Age Of Earth: Is the earth really billions of years old? Check out the evidence for yourself.
- Archaeopteryx: Does Archaeopteryx provide a transitional form between reptiles and birds? What is the evidence? Did birds really arise from therapods?
- The Flood: The biblical account. The geologic, historic and manuscript evidence.
- All About Creation: Can the scientific method be used to discover how God created the Heavens and the Earth? Learn here.
- Miller and Urey Video: How do we get from the sparks of life created by Miller and Urey to the miracle of complex life? Check out this short video clip now!
- All About The Journey: Walk along side a definitive skeptic as he asks: Does God exist? Is the Bible true? Who is Jesus? Find out his conclusions.
- Intelligent Design Theory: Does design necessitate a designer? Is the design inherent in biological systems merely an accidental product of natural selection?
- Punctuated Equilibrium Video: How can we use philosophical conjecture to fill the gaps in the fossil record? What theories are the scientists using? Stream this short video clip now!
- Hardware of Life: What can we learn from the irreducible complexity and fine tuning of nature? How does it merge with science?
- Theory Of Relativity: The speed of light in a vacuum is constant and an absolute physical boundary for motion. Why does this matter?
- Spontaneous Generation: Why are scientists declaring such huge odds against their own theories? Why are they proposing slightly outlandish non-scientific conjectures?
- Origin Of Life: Random chance or basic cause and effect? You be the judge.
- Creation Video: Who is the greatest artist of all time? We all have different opinions, but perhaps the answer is more obvious than we think.
- Creation Evidence Video: Fundamental Forces. Randall Niles examines the awesome miracle of the four fundamental forces in science: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong Force, and Weak Force.
- The Dinosaur Fossils: Early definitions and discoveries. Fossilization process, controversial dating methods, the geologic column, and the extinction theories; younger than we think?
- Charles Darwin Video: Watch this short video clip on Charles Darwin and his infamous theory of evolution. Discover the truth today!
- Materialism Video: What's invisible? More than you think. Learn from this TED education video.
- Big Bang Theory Video: Stream this short video on the big bang theory. Explore alternatives to our ultimate question of origins. Where did life come from?
- Evolution Video: What is the evidence from Embryology. Here's a clip from my buddies at Coldwater Media looking at Animal Embryos as evidence for Evolution.
- Big Bang Theory: Study the major evidences of this widely-accepted theory. Is it the only credible theory for the origin of the universe?
- Anatomical Homology Video: Evidence for common ancestry or a common design? Check out this great clip that covers one of the main arguments for Darwinian Evolution.
- Endoplasmic Reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum is a complex system of membrane channels and sacs involved in several cellular functions. How is the ER evidence for design?
- Uniformitarianism: This geological doctrine is often described with the familiar slogan: the present is the key to the past.
- DNA Structure Video: What is the structure? The DNA structure consists of two chainlike molecules (polynucleotides) that twist around each other to form the classic double-helix.
- Design in Nature: Is the design hypothesis nothing more than an illusion as Dawkins states? Find out the facts here.
- Piltdown Man: What's the truth behind this text book favorite?
- Miracle Of Life: The probability of life arising by chance is comparable to 1050 blind people solving a Rubik's Cube at the same moment.
- God The Creator: Who is this God who created the universe? Enjoy a creative verse explaining God’s act of making the world.
- The Cambrian Explosion Video: An abrupt appearance of a wide range of organisms, mainly invertebrates, with hard (fossilizable) parts in Cambrian strata, which mainstream scientists date from about 540 million years ago.
- Evidence For Evolution Video: Check out this unbelievable video clip of a Giraffe. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain this incredible creature? What do experts think about this?
- Carbon Dating: What is it? How does it work? How can scientists use this dating technique to determine the age of ancient specimens?
- Intelligent Design vs Evolution: What is the basis of this debate? Why does fear play such a big role in this debate? Find out the truth in the debate.
- How Old Is The Earth?: A look at the latest in science and technology as applied to our past.
- Abiogenesis: What is the origin of the first living cell? Are naturalistic explanations for the origin of life viable?
- Mind Over Matter Video: Randall Niles examines the truth that intelligence is always responsible for information. Evolution tells us that Matter is responsible for Mind.
- Anatomical Homology: What is homology? How does homology relate to common ancestry? Are there any other explanations which can account for anatomical homology?
- Origin of Species Video: Check out this incredible video clip of the Lampsilis Mussel. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain the creation of this mussel?
- Co-option: A popular theory which is often invoked to explain the origin of irreducibly complex systems is the principle of co-option. What is co-option?
- Evidence for Intelligent Design Video: What brought everything into existence? Is there a purpose and plan involved? What is the origin of life?
- Charles Darwin: The basic theory and huge outcome on our world today.
- Dawkins The Greatest Show on Earth: Does Dawkins attempt to address the numerous criticisms of the RNA-first model? Find out in this book review and critique.
- Ape to Man: Can evolution satisfactorily account for the genesis of life, the genetic code, or the ingenious synchronization process needed to produce life from a single fertilized human egg?
- Dragon History: What do the stories of dragons tell us about the history of dinosaurs in our past?
- Chirality: What is it? Is it a problem for neo-Darwinism? How does chirality stand as a roadblock to origin-of-life research?
- Dawkins and Religion Video: Randall Niles looks at Richard Dawkins and the growing argument against parents teaching their children certain religions. When will Christianity be deemed child abuse requiring government intervention?
- The Age Of The Earth: How do scientists truly determine the age of our earth? Check out the evidence for yourself.
- Watch Design Video: Does William Paley’s classic comparison of an organic cell to watch design apply in today’s Intelligent Design debate? View this short video now!
- Intelligent Design: Does the order and complexity inherent in our universe require an Intelligent Source?
- Cosmological Arguments: The Cosmological arguments are a series of simple deductions that get us thinking about origins. What are the points?
- Large Hadron Collider Experiment Video: What is the The ultimate intent of the LHC? It is to help scientists understand the nature of matter at the moment the cosmos was created.
- Second Law of Thermodynamics: Natural law and observable evidence applied to shed dramatic light on our cosmos.
- Evolution Of Man: Discover the facts about microevolution, natural selection, and speciation – the three major principles of this theory. What is the evidence?
- Geologic Time Scale: What is the geologic column? What does it really say about our world?
- Evidence For Evolution: The unsupported icons of evolution still found in today's textbooks, including homology, embryology, observed natural selection, and the fossil record.
- Intelligent Design Video: Watch this extraordinary video clip of mechanical and biological machines. See the fantastic complexity of life at the molecular level. Does it point to an act of random evolution or design? What do the triple PhD's and experts think about this?
- Creation Vs. Evolution: A look at the public schools and the popular media when it comes to this debate.
- Symbiosis: What is mutual symbiosis? How did plants that are pollinated by insects develop highly specialized flowers modified to promote pollination by a specific pollinator?
- Frog Soup Video: What do frogs in blenders reveal about the complexity of life? Is life really a miracle? You have to check out this short video clip!
- Radiometric Dating: Are there issues with the latest dating methodologies? Check out the techniques for yourself.
- Schrodinger: Is the cat dead or alive? See how this man’s theory still has relevance in our life today.
- Human Evolution: Frauds and mistakes of the fossil evidence have lead to the formation of human evolution theory. Review the facts now.
- Many Worlds Hypothesis: What are some implications of this theory? Does it use good logic or bad logic? Consider the facts.
- Microscopic Organisms: Wouldn't any organism -- even the first and most simple one -- have to synthesize fuel, generate energy, and reproduce its kind?
- Science and Faith: What is the connection between science, faith, and society? What's the conclusion of this journey? What's the end hold?
- Origin Of The Universe: The atheist mechanisms for all that we see. The Big Bang and Inflation Universe Theories. The Evolutionary Theories. A Critique.
- Cosmic Fine Tuning: Is there any evidence of design in astronomy? What is cosmic fine-tuning, and how does it provide evidence for God?
- Creation vs Evolution Video: An awesome video clip of a Giraffe. Did it evolve or was it created? What is the best explanation for this incredible creature? You decide. Find out what the experts think about this.
- DNA and Computers Video: What is the greatest scientific discovery ever? What do we know about the digital code inherent in all living things? Watch this incredible video clip now!
- Evolution Theories: What a person believes about evolution theories depends on what meaning he associates with the term, evolution. Why?
- Evolutionary Perspective Video: Are there philosophical leaps in evolutionary science? How does evolution deal with the first organisms that arose by chance? You gotta stream this video!
- Darwin Video: Charles Darwin and a look at the Galapagos Finches, which provide some of the greatest evidence for Natural Selection and the Theory of Evolution.
- The Flood Video: Randall Niles examines the evidence for the melt-off of the last ice age and the inconsistent evidence for ancient civilizations submerged at the time.
- Evolution of Sex: Sex is regarded as an extremely inefficient way to reproduce. What drove organisms to abandon asexual reproduction in favor of sexual reproduction?
- Origin Of The Universe: The universe was created between 10 and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter and in all directions.
- Creation: What is important about God's creation story? Is it true? How does it affect me?
- Creation Evolution Video: Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. Evidence for Evolution in the Creation vs Evolution Debate? Check out this great clip that covers one of the main arguments for Darwinian Evolution.
- Richard Dawkins: What are the main points of the book The God Delusion? Find out through the author's 6 point summary.
- Cell Structure: The cell has revealed an "unanticipated Lilliputian world" of enormous complexity that has pushed the theory of evolution to a breaking point.
- Origin of the Universe Video: What is the origin of the universe? What is the answer to this age-old question? Find out here.
- Anthropic Principle Video: What does the fine-tuning inherent in our universe say about the Big Bang, Origin of Life, and other theories? Stream this short video clip now!
- God Did It: Is the notion that God Did It even allowed in mainstream science? Do faith and science conflict? Study this great article.
- Proof Of God: What's the latest scientific evidence for the existence of God?
- God the Creator Video: Stars and Galaxies. Randall Niles returns to the utter awe of the cosmos -- from David, to Galileo, to Hubble.
- Origin of the Universe Video: You have to see this incredible video clip on origins. Are you a creationist or an evolutionist? How does what you believe about this impact your other beliefs?
- Existence of God Video: Can we make a case for God’s reality? Can we use scientific evidence to prove that God exists? Check out this video clip!
- Who Made God: Who made God? Where did he come from? Did He create Himself? Find out the answers here.
- Does God Exist: Based on the latest scientific evidence, has atheism become a greater leap of faith than theism? Check out the evidence for the existence of God here!
- Theories of the Origin of the Universe: How do scientists explain our origins? Learn about the Big Bang Theory and other dominant scientific theories.
- Science and Intelligent Design: What is intelligent design? Does a machine have a designer? Are living systems considered to be machines?
- Transitional Fossils: How many transitional fossils have been discovered? Is there a lack? What does it mean?
- Theory of the Origin of Life: How do scientists explain the beginning of life? What is the foundation of today’s scientific worldviews?
- How Does DNA Work: Do you understand how DNA works and how complex it is? Find a helpful summary here.
- DNA Complexity: The cell is very complicated, using vast numbers of phenomenally precise DNA instructions to control its every function.
- Missing Link in Evolution: Is there a missing link? Is there an ape-man that will be discovered in the future?
- Science and the Big Bang Theory: What is this theory of the origin of the universe? Are there fundamental problems to this theory?
- Origin of Man Theories: Why is it important to understand our beginnings? The mainstream origin of man theory states that mankind and apes came from a common ancestor.
- Uniformitarianism, Catastrophism, and Geology: Understand these geological doctrines and how they work. What have the experts said of Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism?
- Impact of Charles Darwin: Who was Darwin and how did he influence the world around him? How is he still impacting today’s society?
- All About How: Do you have questions on your mind? Find answers to tough questions on science, philosophy, and religion.
- Complexity of a Cell: How has the complexity of the cell impacted biology and other sciences? Has it pushed the theory of evolution to answer new questions?
- Stages of Evolution: What are the seven phases of evolution? Study each fundamental stage of this theory of origins.
- Radiometric Dating Techniques: What is this dating technique and how does it measure rate of decay? What kind of rock can this technique date?
- Creation Origins: How do evolutionary origins and creation origins compare? How are they similar? How are they different?
- Fossil Dating: How are fossils dated? How does the geological column date fossils? What is the process?
- How Does Carbon Dating Work: How does carbon dating work? What is the process for dating when an organism died? Find out.
- Is there Order in the Universe: Can we see intelligence and order in the design of the universe? Are there things that baffle scientists?
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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