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Who Is God?

Who is God? Now that you have established that God exists, it's important to discover who that God is. There are many "versions" of God throughout our various cultures and philosophies of living. Also, if the biblical texts contain truth, what do they say about God. Check it out!
  • Omnipresence of God Video: I Will Not Fear by The Destinysong Project. What does it mean that God will not leave you? Will He always be there?
  • Who Is God?: This ultimate question directly influences your entire life. How do you answer this question? Discover the truth now.
  • Where Is God?: The ultimate question of life and eternity. How can we know God exists? How can we relate to Him?
  • Triune God: What does this term mean? What is the meaning of the trinity and how does it impact God’s attributes? Do you understand who God truly is?
  • God is Just Video: The One Minute Apologist asks special guest Mike Mason the question "Is God Unjust Because He Allows Suffering?"
  • Eternal God: How is God eternal? What does that mean? Can it be defined? What does it mean to be before all time? Find out here.
  • Immutability of God: Why can't God change? Can't he become more holy or righteous? Why or why not? Find out here.
  • Is God Unfair Video: Are you feeling singled out alone confused scared? Are you currently asking, "Why me?" Does God seem unfair?
  • Give Glory to God Video: Come Awake by The Destinysong Project. Find inspiration by worshiping along with them.
  • Holy Holy Holy Video: Listen to Holy Lord by the Destinysong project. How is God holy? Why is He holy?
  • Understanding God: Is it possible to fully understand God and His ways? Are there things about Him we can understand? Find helpful information.
  • Promises of God: Discover some promises from God. How can we tell which ones are meant for us today?
  • God Quotes: What are some famous quotes about God? What are some famous quotes that God said? Learn more here.
  • Relationship with God: Is it possible to have a relationship with the creator of the universe? Find helpful information on what this relationship was designed to be like.
  • God Is Love: God's view of love is much different than a warm gooshy feeling. Check out His definition here.
  • Situational Ethics: How do morals and ethics translate in different cultures and circumstances?
  • Omnipresence of God: What does omnipresent mean? How does it relate to the attributes of God? What biblical support is there for this concept?
  • All About GOD: The Christian community for seekers, skeptics, and believers. Do you want the answers to all of life's questions? Discover the truth about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible and Christianity!
  • God's Love: Do you want to experience the greatest relationship possible? Your Heavenly Father is offering it to you! Will you accept?
  • Faithfulness of God: How is God faithful? Why does the Bible refer to His faithfulness? Study the verses and see examples of God's faithfulness.
  • What Does God Look Like: What does God look like? Do we know? Can we learn from the Bible what He looks like?
  • Sovereignty of God: What is sovereignty and how is it one of God's attributes? What does the Bible say about it and what verses back it up?
  • Give Glory to God: What does this really mean? How can we give God glory? What is involved? Learn what the Bible says.
  • Original Sin: Biblical story or Biblical truth? Check out the biblical doctrine for yourself.
  • Wonderful Wizard of Oz Video: What do the Yellow Brick Road, the Emerald City, and Oz have to do with the Question of God? Stream this video clip now!
  • God is Gracious: Does God give grace? What is grace? Study the Bible verses about our gracious God and learn about this attribute.
  • Wisdom of God: What is this attribute of God? How was it at work in the Bible? Find help in understanding the wisdom of God.
  • Guardian Angels: Do we have God’s messengers following us around and protecting us from danger? Find out here.
  • God: What do universal standards of morals and ethics say about the nature of God?
  • Omniscience of God: Understanding this attribute of God can impact your view of Him. What is it all about? Find out here.
  • Omnipotent God: What does omnipotence mean? How does it relate to God? Is God really all-powerful? Find helpful information here.
  • Love Of God: God loves us so much that He provided the selfless and unconditional means to be eternally forgiven.
  • Holy, Holy, Holy: Do you respond with emotion as you sing this old hymn? What is the history and what is the meaning of the powerful lyrics?
  • God is Just: What does it mean that we have a God of justice? What is this attribute and how does it impact our lives? Find out here.
  • Meaning Of Life: Discover what it's all about. Examine the most intriguing answers to life's most difficult questions.
  • Names Of God: God uses many names in the Bible which explain His nature, character and the way He cares for us.
  • Attributes of God: Ever wondered about God’s true nature? A breakdown of His character, as revealed in the Bible, can be discovered.
  • A Jealous God: What does it mean that God is jealous? Isn’t jealousy a bad trait? Find a helpful explanation here.
  • All About Worldview: What issues shape your worldview and outlook on life? How do you view these issues and topics of interest in the world today?
  • Who is God Video: Who is God? Who is Jesus? What is ultimate reality? How do you answer that question? How does our culture today answer that question?
  • Problem Of Evil: Why is this such a barrier for so many that reject God? How do we reconcile the evil in the world?
  • Goodness of God: How is God good? What about all the suffering in the world? Isn't that contradictory? Find out what the Bible says.
  • Everlasting God: What is eternity? Is God everlasting? Find the Bible verses that discuss this concept of eternity. How does it impact you?
  • What is Love?: Wondering about its true meaning? Consider this unique approach to defining it. Is it costly? What does God have to do with it?
  • God Loves You: What does the Bible say about God’s love for me? Does the Bible say that He loves me? Find out here.
  • Angry God: Is God angry with you? Does it seem like He has something against you? Find out what we often interpret as anger.
  • Infinite God: What does the term infinite mean and how can God possess this attribute? Study the biblical proof here.
  • God of Mercy: What is the attribute of mercy? What does it entail? What does the Bible say about mercy and who it is given to?
  • Garden Of Eden: Is the biblical account in Genesis credible in light of 21st century science and technology?
  • Everlasting God Video: Song and Lyrics for Jeremy Camp's song of worship about God's everlasting attributes. What does it mean to you?
  • Names of God Video: How should you use God's name? OMG? The names of God describe who He is, and should not be relegated to a verbal tick.
  • God Video: Are you curious about God? Want a deeper connection? Maybe your life experiences have left you feeling disappointed with God, or wondering if He is disappointed with you.
  • Eternal God Video: Can I like God? Does He love me? Are you curious about God? Want a deeper connection?
  • Why is There So Much Evil in the World Video: Watch this short video answer now! Why is there so much evil in the world? Why is this question the ageless stumbling block to God?
  • Attributes of God Video: Does this all-knowing God care about us? What happens when we cry out to Him? Worship with Destinysong.
  • Why Are We Here Video: What is the purpose to life? Why do we live on Earth? What is our meaning? Find out here.
  • True Name of God: What does God want to be called? Why is it important to know? Find helpful and biblical information here.
  • Is God Unfair: Is God blind or deaf to what we're going through on earth? Why doesn't he step in? Find out.
  • Absolute Truth: What do rules of logic and reason say about standards of morality and ethics?
  • Fear of God Video: Why is the utter awe of God considered the beginning of understanding? What do we know about the character of God? Not for the faithhearted - Watch this short video clip and stand in awe!
  • Self-Existent God: What does the Bible say about this attribute of God? What is the Latin definition? Find out helpful information here.
  • Self-Sufficient God: What is this attribute of God all about? What does it mean? What is the biblical support?
  • Fear of God: What does this common phrase mean? What scriptures use it? Is it respect or honor? Learn from the Hebrew.
  • Love of God Video: Sing along and worship with Destinysong. Learn about the love of God and what makes it unique.
  • God is Love Video: Worship with Destinysong as they share God's love for you and all people. Why does He love us?
  • Holiness of God: How does an understanding of the holiness of God help us through trials? What is holiness? Find biblical instruction here.
  • Is Heaven Real Video: Can we investigate the reality of heaven? What can we know about the unseen realm of the supernatural? You gotta stream this short video clip!
  • Why Are We Here?: What does God want for our lives? What's the end result of everything?
  • Holy Spirit: How can we understand the third person in the Trinity? Here's a biblical look.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus

Yes, I am already a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

Why Should God Let You In Heaven

How to Know God
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