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Whole Armor of God

QUESTION: What are the pieces in the whole armor of God?


The pieces in the whole armor of God are found in the New Testament, Ephesians 6:14-17. They are the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.

The belt of truth, which is buckled around the waist, represents the truth spoken over us by our Father, which directly confronts the lies that our enemy wants us to believe. When we wear the belt of truth regularly we can stand in confidence that God’s words over us reign supreme and that no lie of the enemy will flourish in our hearts or minds. We can be strengthened by God’s truth and resolve to live in His truth.

Next is the breastplate of righteousness. We are made right before God through the blood of Jesus. When Jesus died on the cross, our sins were washed away. He cleansed us and made us free. Therefore we have the confidence of being right before God. Though the enemy wants us to feel guilt and shame, we know that our Father sees us as righteous through Christ. We are to reflect Christ’s righteous character.

Our feet are fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Believes are ready for all circumstances that might come their way, knowing that through Christ we will be taken care of. The word says in Galatians 5:1, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Readiness can pertain to sharing the Gospel, but also readiness in all areas of life. We can be ready to do the whole will of God.

The shield of faith, which extinguishes all the flaming arrows of the evil one, allows us to stand our ground in the midst of spiritual attack. The enemy desires our demise, but God has given us the ability to fend off his attempts to destroying our lives. Scripture says in Isaiah 54:17, “‘No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,’ declares the LORD.”

The helmet of salvation is the knowledge that as believers we have been rescued from our own depravity. Our salvation given to us through our faith in Christ says that our sins are no longer counted against us and that we will spend eternity with our Father.

Whole Armor of God – The Offensive Weapon
Lastly, Paul gives us the offensive weapon in the whole armor of God. The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God is our gift from the Father to know Him. Through His Word, believers are given the information regarding God’s great love for us and all that we have in an obedient life in Him.

A greater spiritual weapon is not conceivable. In Jesus' temptations in the desert, the Word of God was always His overpowering response to Satan.

Through His word comes the power to operate in all the other pieces of armor that He provides, truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation.

Armor of God - Learn More!

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

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