Opus Dei
The Opus Dei Web site defines Opus Dei as “a personal Prelature of the Catholic Church that helps ordinary lay people seek holiness in and through their everyday activities, especially through work.” The organization was founded by Fr. Josemarнa Escrivб in 1926.The Da Vinci Code has transformed Opus Dei into a secret society that (according to the book) covers up facts about Jesus Christ.
The Prelature of Opus Dei has refuted The Da Vinci Code’s claims and proclaims the book as “a work of fiction.” They say that the book is not a reliable source of information. “It would be irresponsible to form any opinion of Opus Dei based on reading The Da Vinci Code.”
Opus Dei’s points of rebuttal:
The Da Vinci Code claims Opus Dei’s members as monks. There are no monks in Opus Dei.
The Da Vinci Code describes Opus Dei as endorsing criminal behavior; Opus Dei condemns criminal activity.
The Da Vinci Code calls Opus Dei a “cult” and a “sect.” In reality, Opus Dei is a fully integrated entity of the Catholic Church.
The Da Vinci Code claims that women cannot enter the front doors of the Opus Dei headquarters. Instead, they must use a side entrance. In reality, males and females freely use the front entrance of the headquarters building.
Da Vinci Code Truth – Learn More!
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- Da Vinci Code Summary
- Da Vinci Code Truth
- Canon Of The Bible
- How Did Constantine Alter The Bible
- Mary Magdalene And The Holy Grail
- Missing Books Of The Bible
- Jesus Is God
- Opus Dei
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- Nag Hammadi
- Jesus And Mary Magdalene Married
- Da Vinci Code Proof
- Was Jesus Married
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