Mary Magdalene And The Holy Grail
The Da Vinci Code has set forth a theory about Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail. One of the book’s characters says, “Yes, but it is not I who claim she is the Grail. Christ Himself made that claim." The book claims that the grail is Mary Magdalene, the symbol for womanhood.In reality, there is no proof that Jesus Christ claimed that Mary Magdalene was the Holy Grail. In fact, the Bible does not even mention the words “grail” or “holy grail.”
The concept of the Holy Grail comes from a mythical legend. Most scholars believe the legend originated in a Celtic myth of a horn of plenty -- the source of all things good. According to the legend, the horn was the source of divine favor since it was supposedly the cup that Jesus used at the Last Supper (or a cup that caught Jesus blood as it dripped from the cross).
There is no evidence to substantiate The Da Vinci Code’s claim that Mary was the Holy Grail.
Da Vinci Code Truth – Learn More!
1 The Da Vinci Code, page 242.
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- Da Vinci Code History
- Canon Of The Bible
- Da Vinci Code Proof
- Gospel Of Mary
- Da Vinci Code Truth
- Missing Books Of The Bible
- Jesus And Mary Magdalene Married
- How Did Constantine Alter The Bible
- Mary Magdalene And The Holy Grail
- Jesus Is God
- Da Vinci Code Summary
- Nag Hammadi
- Was Jesus Married
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