Origin Symbols of Halloween
QUESTION: What are the origin symbols of Halloween?ANSWER:
Origin symbols of Halloween are numerous. Symbols celebrating the season include various sizes of melons and gourds. Stalks are tied together symbolizing the Harvest Lord that is set inside a circle of gourds. The Harvest Lord symbolizes a straw man called the “wicker man,” which is made from wicks of straw.
Jack-O-Lanterns are another origin source for the symbols of Halloween, which means “Jack of the Lantern.” The old Irish legend tells of a man who could not enter heaven or hell and was condemned to wonder through the night with only a candle in a hollowed out turnip for light. The flickering flames were associated with the spirits of the dead ancestry touching the light that emitted from the Jack-O-Lanterns that were used during Samhain.
The wearing of costumes is an ancient practice with its origins in the symbols of Halloween. Trick or treat for the sake of children going from door to door to acquire candy is a tradition that was predominantly started in the United States. The phrase “trick or treat” began in the 1930s.
Halloween Origins - Learn More!
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